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2024.5.12 17:10:01 Old News Image TOP10 NEWS

기사출처 : Wayne Blank 
01010713 This Day In History, July 13

1174: William I of Scotland, a leading rebel in the Revolt of 1173-1174, was captured at Alnwick by Henry II of England.

1260: The Battle of Durbe; the Livonian Order was defeated by the Grand Duchy of Lithuania.

1410: Poland and Lithuania defeated the Teutonic Knights at Tannenberg.

1534: Ottoman forces captured Tabriz in Persia (known today as Iran).

1558: During the Valois Hapsburg War, the French under Marshal de Thermes were defeated by the Flemish and their allies, aided by the English fleet, at the Battle of Gravelines.

1573: During the Eighty Years' War: the Siege of Haarlem ended after 7 months (the area of New York City, earlier known as New Amsterdam, known as Harlem was named after Haarlem in the Netherlands by the Dutch when they were the colonial power in eastern North America).

1585: A group of 108 English pioneers, led by Sir Richard Grenville, arrived to establish a colony in the wilderness of what is today known as Roanoke Island, North Carolina.

1621: Albert the Pious, cardinal, son of Holy Roman emperor Maximilian II, nephew of Philip II of Spain, died at age 62. He ruled the Spanish Netherlands jointly with his wife Isabella Clara Eugenia of Spain. He managed to control only the 10 southern Catholic provinces (today Belgium and Luxembourg), while the 7 northern Protestant provinces (today the Netherlands) rebelled.

1643: During the English Civil War, the Parliamentarians were defeated by the Royalists under Prince Maurice at the Battle of Roundway Down.

1662: Charles II granted a charter to establish the Royal Society in London.

1837: Queen Victoria became the first British monarch to live in Buckingham Palace.

1854: The Battle of Guaymas in Mexico. General Jose Maria Yanez repelled a French invasion by Count Gaston de Raousset-Boulbon.

1863: The New York Draft Riots. Opponents of military conscription began 3 days of riots that became among the worst in U.S. history.

1878: The Ottoman Empire was further reduced with the signing of the Treaty of Berlin. The Caucasus was given to Russia, and Bosnia and Herzegovina to Austria. Romania became independent and the treaty also confirmed Britain's right to occupy Cyprus. Listen to our Sermon The Ottoman Empire; also, The European World Wars.

1882: The British destroyed forts built by the Arabi Pasha threatening the Suez Canal after three days of firing by battleships led by Sir Beauchamp Seymour in the Egyptian rebellion.

1892: A heat wave in New York City killed 260 people in 24 hours.

1919: The British airship R34 landed back in Norfolk after making the first-ever Atlantic aerial round-trip. It set out from Scotland to North America on July 2.

1943: The greatest tank battle in history ended with Russia's defeat of Germany at Kursk, south of Moscow. Almost 6,000 tanks took part, 2,900 were lost by Germany. There were at least 230,000 casualties in the battle.

1977: A massive power failure, attributed to budget shortfalls that limited required maintenance, caused a blackout throughout New York City. Looting and rioting immediately broke out, with police arresting at least 3,000 people.

1992: Yitzhak Rabin became the Prime Minister of the modern state of Judah, known as "Israel" (see The Northern Kingdom and The Southern Kingdom; also The Gathering of Israel and Judah).
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555 연대표 01010719 This Day In History, July 19 Wayne Blank 
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551 연대표 01010715 This Day In History, July 15 Wayne Blank 
550 연대표 01010714 This Day In History, July 14 Wayne Blank 
» 연대표 01010713 This Day In History, July 13 Wayne Blank 
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527 연대표 01010621 This Day In History, June 21 Wayne Blank 
526 연대표 01010620 This Day In History, June 20 Wayne Blank 
525 연대표 01010619 This Day In History, June 19 Wayne Blank 
524 연대표 01010618 This Day In History, June 18 Wayne Blank 
523 연대표 01010617 This Day In History, June 17 Wayne Blank 
522 연대표 01010616 This Day In History, June 16 Wayne Blank 
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517 연대표 01010613 This Day In History, June 13 Wayne Blank 
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