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01010612 This Day In History, June 12

연대표 조회 수 7501 추천 수 0 2020.10.28 22:25:17
기사출처 : Wayne Blank 
01010612 This Day In History, June 12

918: Aethelflaed (or Ethelfleda), a rare female Anglo-Saxon ruler of Mercia in England, died. The daughter of Alfred The Great, she helped her brother Edward The Elder, king of the West Saxons, conquer the Danish armies occupying eastern England.

1346: Charles IV of Luxembourg was elected Holy Roman Emperor in Germany (see The Holy Roman Empire Of The German Nation).

1381: During the Peasants' Revolt (also called Wat Tyler's Rebellion) in England, the rebels arrived at Blackheath where they looted the town and burned libraries. The rampage was inspired by the "sermons" of the communist preacher John Ball and led by the anarchist Wat Tyler (a former roofer, using tiles as was common in the day - hence the origin of the family name Tyler).

1418: An insurrection put Paris under the control of the Burgundians.

1442: Alfonso V of Aragon was crowned King of Naples.

1653: The Battle of the Gabbard began during the First Anglo-Dutch War.

1665: England established the first municipal government for New York City. After the departure of the Dutch, the English renamed the city of "New Amsterdam" as "New York." The entire area was transformed from "New Netherlands" to "New England."

1667: The first blood transfusion was carried out by Jean-Baptiste Denys, personal physician to King Louis XIV of France, on a 15-year-old boy using blood from a sheep.

1811: The Earl of Selkirk was granted a vast area of territory in what is now Manitoba, Minnesota and North Dakota. Selkirk paid 10 shillings ($2.50) a year in rent on the land, which covered an area 5 times bigger than his native Scotland. As part of the rental agreement, Selkirk had to provide the Hudson's Bay Company with 200 servants a year and develop an agricultural colony.

1812: Napoleon invaded Russia.

1849: The gas mask was patented.

1860: The State Bank of the Russian Empire was established (Russia didn't begin its experiment with communism until the early 1900s; it lasted for about 70 years before socialism bankrupted Russia).

1867: The Austro-Hungarian Empire was formed.

1897: Swiss cutlery maker Carl Elsener patented his penknife, later to become known as the Swiss army knife.

1898: During the Spanish-U.S. War, the independence of the Philippines was declared by General Emilio Aguinaldo, leader of the revolutionary movement. The Philippines thereafter became an imperial colony of the U.S. rather than Spain.

1900: The Reichstag approved a second new law allowing the expansion of the German navy, making it one of the world's largest.

1917: King Constantine of Greece stepped down in favor of his son, Prince Alexander.

1944: Chinese Communist leader Mao Tse-tung announced that he would support Nationalist leader Chiang Kai-shek in the war against Japan.

1967: The U.S. Supreme Court declared all U.S. state laws against interracial marriage to be unconstitutional.

1967: Russia launched Venera 4. Upon arriving at Venus (the pagan name that humans have given to the planet), it will became the first space probe to enter another planet's atmosphere and return data.

1978: David Berkowitz, the "Son of Sam" killer in New York City, was sentenced to 365 years in prison for six killings.

1991: Mount Pinatubo began erupting in the Philippines after 4 centuries of dormancy.

1994: Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman were murdered at her home in Los Angeles. O.J. Simpson was later acquitted of the murders by a jury of his "peers."
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