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01010706 This Day In History, July 6

연대표 조회 수 3682 추천 수 0 2020.10.29 12:45:03
기사출처 : Wayne Blank 
01010706 This Day In History, July 6

371 BC: The Battle of Leuctra in Greece; Epaminondas defeated Cleombrotus I (see also A History Of Jerusalem: Greeks, Ptolemies, Seleucids).

1189: King Henry II of England, the first of the Plantagenets, died and was succeeded by Richard I.

1348: A Papal Bull (an abbreviation of the Latin word bulletin) by Pope Clement VI was issued to protect Jews who were falsely accused of having caused the Black Death plague in Europe. In actuality, the Jews (and everyone else) who followed the Biblical health laws that the LORD gave to all of humanity were far healthier than the general population in which they lived (see Leviticus 13: Bacteria, Leviticus 11: What Makes Creatures Clean or Unclean? and Leviticus 18: Sexual Abominations).

1415: Jan Hus (also known in English as John Huss), Czech preacher and reformer, was burnt alive for "heresy" by Church of Rome authorities during the Council of Constance. The council was conducted by antipope John XXIII and German emperor Sigismund (see Emperors and Popes, The Struggle For The Papacy and The Holy Roman Empire Of The German Nation). The emperor had given Hus a guarantee of safe passage to come to the council, but reneged and had Hus killed anyway. The Hussites were named after Jan Hus, and the Hussite Wars of 1419-1436 were caused by the Hussites in Bohemia and Moravia.

1483: Richard III was crowned King of England.

1519: Charles of Spain is elected Holy Roman emperor in Barcelona.

1535: Sir Thomas More, former Lord Chancellor of England, was executed for treason after refusing to recognize Henry VIII as the head of the Church of England.

1536: Jacques Cartier returns to France after discovering (for Europeans - the native people already knew it) the St. Lawrence River in Canada.

1553: King Edward VI of England died and was succeeded by Queen Mary I.

1699: Captain William Kidd ("Captain Kidd") was arrested in Boston.

1785: The "dollar" was chosen as the monetary unit for the U.S. The word originated in Europe in 1520 as a name for the Czech tolar, which came to be known in northern Europe as daler, then into English as dollar.

1885: French scientist Louis Pasteur successfully tested his new anti-rabies vaccine on a boy that had been bitten by an infected dog.

1887: David Kalakaua, the native King of Hawaii, was forced at gunpoint to sign the "Bayonet Constitution" that established U.S. rule Hawaii.

1906: The Ontario Parliament passed the "Lord's Day Observance Act" to prohibit work, entertainment, sport and almost all commerce on Sundays. Although the writers of the law intended it as an act of obedience to God, they were mistaken about the correct day to observe (see Why Observe The True Sabbath? to understand how the "sun day" abomination originated). The law was struck down by the Supreme Court of Canada in 1985 after challenges from Jews and true Christians who observe the Seventh Day Sabbath according to Christ's Command in the Fourth Commandment.

1917: "Lawrence of Arabia" (a British army officer, Lt. Col Thomas Lawrence) and Arab forces captured Aqaba from the Ottoman Empire during the Arab Revolt (see A History Of Jerusalem: The British Mandate).

1919: The first airship to cross the Atlantic, the British R-34, arrived in New York.

1942: The diarist Anne Frank and her family took refuge from the Nazis in Amsterdam.

1944: A fire accidentally started by performing "fire-eaters" in the main tent of the Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus in Hartford, Connecticut, killed 167 people.

1947: The AK-47 went into production in the Soviet Union.

1958: The former Russian territory of Alaska became the 49th state of the U.S. It was purchased from Russia in 1867 for $7.2 million.

1967: Nigerian forces invaded Biafra, beginning the Nigerian Civil War.

1988: The Piper Alpha drilling platform in the North Sea was destroyed by explosions and fires. 167 oil workers were killed, making it the world's worst offshore oil disaster in terms of direct loss of life.

2006: The Nathula Pass between India and China, sealed during the Sino-Indian War, re-opened for trade after 44 years.
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