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2024.6.12 22:48:42 Old News Image TOP10 NEWS

01010621 This Day In History, June 21

연대표 조회 수 10713 추천 수 0 2020.10.29 07:46:07
기사출처 : Wayne Blank 
01010621 This Day In History, June 21

217 BC: Carthaginian forces led by Hannibal (a Punic Carthaginian military commander, considered by many historians to be one of the greatest military commanders in history) destroyed a Roman army (see also Legions Of Men And Angels) under consul Gaius Flaminicy in a battle at Lake Trasimenus in central Italy (see The Politics Of Rome and A History Of Jerusalem: Pompey And The Caesars).

524: The Battle of Vezeronce. The Burgundians under King Godomar defeated the Franks.

533: A Byzantine fleet under Belisarius sailed from Constantinople to battle the Vandals (an east Germanic tribe; see also The Holy Roman Empire Of The German Nation) in Africa.

1307: Kulug Khan was crowned as Khagan of the Mongols and Wuzong of the Yuan (see also Gog and Magog).

1314: The Scots of Robert the Bruce defeated Edward II's army at Bannockburn.

1377: King Edward III of England died. King from 1327, he attempted to invade France in 1339 and 1340, thereby starting the Hundred Years War. He was succeeded by his grandson, Richard II.

1529: During the War of the League of Cognac, French military forces were routed out of northern Italy by Spanish forces at the Battle of Landriano.

1633: Galileo Galilei was forced by the Roman Catholic Church to "abjure, curse, and detest" his (entirely correct) theory that the earth orbits the sun.

1667: The Peace of Breda ended the Second Anglo-Dutch War (1664-67), with the Dutch ceding New Amsterdam, known today as New York, to the English.

1749: Halifax was founded when Col. Edward Cornwallis brought more than 2,500 English immigrants to Nova Scotia ("New Scotland").

1791: King Louis XVI of France and his family fled to Varennes during the French Revolution.

1824: During the Greek War of Independence, Egyptian forces captured Psara in the Aegean Sea.

1887: Queen Victoria celebrated her golden jubilee marking 50 years on the British throne.

1900: The Boxer Rebellion began in China to oppose foreign interference in Chinese affairs. An international force of Japanese, Russian, German, U.S., British, Italian and Austro-Hungarian troops put down the uprising by August 14 (which obviously proved that there was foreign interference in Chinese affairs).

1977: Menachem Begin became Israel's 6th Prime Minister (see Israel In History and Prophecy: Israel Of Judah).

1982: John Hinckley was found not guilty by reason of insanity of the attempted murder of U.S. President Reagan in 1981.

1990: An earthquake in northern Iran killed over 50,000 and injured more than 200,000.

1990: Hungary officially re-launched its stock exchange, 42 years after its closure by the Communist Party. The Budapest stock exchange was the first Western-style securities exchange in any Warsaw Pact country.

2006: The newly-discovered moons of the planet Pluto were officially named Nix and Hydra (although most scientists reject religion, they nevertheless very often name scientific discoveries and programs after pagan gods and idols).
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