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01010610 This Day In History, June 10

연대표 조회 수 3880 추천 수 0 2020.10.28 22:17:04
기사출처 : Wayne Blank 
01010610 This Day In History, June 10

323 BC: Alexander the Great, Macedonian king, died at age 33 (see A History Of Jerusalem: Greeks, Ptolemies, Seleucids and The Prophet Daniel: The Ram and The He Goat).

1190: During the Third Crusade (see Constantine's Crusades In History And Prophecy), Frederick I Barbarossa drowned in the Saleph River while leading his army to Jerusalem.

1285: King Philip III of Spain was succeeded by Philip IV.

1307: Robert the Bruce, Scottish king fought an English attacking force of cavalry under Aylmer de Valence at the battle of Louden Hill in Ayrshire.

1503: Christopher Columbus "discovered" the Cayman Islands (it wasn't a discovery for the people already living there). All of the four voyages of Christopher Columbus to "America" were actually only to the islands of the Caribbean (see Thanksgiving In History and Prophecy and the map below).

1610: The first Dutch settlers arrived on the wilderness island that is known today as Manhattan.

1655: Jamaica was taken by the British after being held by the Spanish for 161 years.

1692: During the Salem, Massachusetts witch trials, Bridget Bishop was hanged at Gallows Hill for "certain Detestable Arts called Witchcraft & Sorceries" (see also What Is Sorcery?).

1774: King Louis XV of France died of smallpox. He became king at the age of five on the death of his great-grandfather, Louis XIV.

1791: The British Parliament passed the Constitutional Act following the arrival in Canada of 10,000 more Loyalist refugees from the revolution of the New England colonies (most of the Loyalists were hard-working, conservative people who had been successful in their businesses, professions or trades in New England). The Act divided Canada into two provinces, Upper Canada with a capital at Newark (Niagara-on-the-lake, Ontario) and Lower Canada with a capital at Quebec City ("Upper" and "Lower" Canada were geographic terms simply based on the flow of the Great Lakes and the St. Lawrence River toward the Atlantic Ocean).

1794: Elizabeth, the sister of French King Louis XVI, was beheaded.

1796: Napoleon's Army of Italy defeated the Austrians under Baron Beaulieu at the Battle of Lodi, southeast of Milan. Over 2,000 Austrians were killed or wounded.

1798: British explorer George Vancouver died. He sailed with Captain James Cook to Australia and New Zealand and to the west coast of North America where Vancouver Island and Vancouver B.C. are named after him.

1809: Pope Pius VII excommunicated Napoleon for his decree to annex the Papal States as part of the French Empire.

1857: The Seepoys of India revolted against the British rule.

1871: France and Germany signed a peace treaty in Frankfurt by which France ceded Alsace-Lorraine.

1898: During the Spanish-U.S. War, U.S. Marines invaded Cuba.

1933: Nazis in Berlin burned books by Jewish authors, including those by Sigmund Freud and Albert Einstein (see also Presidential Quotes On War, Terrorism, Religion).

1940: Winston Churchill took over as British Prime Minister after the resignation of Neville Chamberlain (see also A History Of Jerusalem: The British Mandate).

1940: Germany invaded Luxembourg, the Netherlands and Belgium.

1941: Nazi government member Rudolf Hess flew a Messerschmitt fighter from Augsburg, Germany and parachuted out near Glasgow, Scotland, with his unauthorized "offer of peace" with Britain. He was imprisoned for the rest of his life.

1967: Day 6 of the "6 Day War." At the end of the conflict, Israeli casualties: 759 killed, about 1,500 wounded, 40 aircraft, 80 tanks. Arab casualties: 30,000 killed and wounded, over 450 aircraft, 1,000 tanks destroyed or captured. Within the newly captured territories, Israel also found itself with over 1,000,000 new Arab "subjects": 670,000 in the West Bank and Jerusalem, 356,000 in the Gaza Strip, 33,000 in Sinai, and 6,000 in the Golan Heights (see A History Of Jerusalem: War And Peace and Israel's Wars In The Twentieth Century).

1989: The official opening of Skydome in Toronto.

2002: The first direct electronic communication experiment between the nervous systems of two humans was accomplished, in the United Kingdom.
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