Roman Monuments, Cathedral and Liebfrauen-Churcu in Trier : 문화, 1986, Germany
Roman Monuments, Cathedral of St Peter and Church of Our Lady in Trier 
- A.D 3세기말 '제2의 로마'라 불릴 정도로 번영을 구가했던 무역중심지  
- 당시 유적들이 잘 보존되어 있어 로마문명의 훌륭한 증거를 보여줌

Trier, which stands on the Moselle River, was a Roman colony from the 1st century AD and then a great trading centre beginning in the next century. It became one of the capitals of the Tetrarchy at the end of the 3rd century, when it was known as the ‘second Rome’. The number and quality of the surviving monuments are an outstanding testimony to Roman civilization.

Germany-UNESCO World Heritage


역사년표Map BC -AD 1 -600 -1000 -1500 -1800 -1900 -1950 -1980-현재 (1945년이후 10대뉴스)

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