

World History and UNESCO World Heritage 전세계의 역사 백과사전N/AMERICA › 피마치오윈 아키

cyber | 2022.04.09 11:15:58 | 본문 건너뛰기 쓰기
18 피마치오윈 아키
Pimachiowin Aki

N51 49 35.1 W95 24 40.6
Date of Inscription: 2018
Criteria: (iii)(vi)(ix)
Property : 2,904,000 ha
Buffer zone: 3,592,000 ha
Ref: 1415rev

Pimachiowin Aki ('The Land That Gives Life') is a landscape of rivers, lakes, wetlands, and boreal forest. It forms part of the ancestral home of the Anishinaabeg, an indigenous people living from fishing, hunting and gathering. The site encompasses the traditional lands of four Anishinaabeg communities (Bloodvein River, Little Grand Rapids, Pauingassi and Poplar River). It is an exceptional example of the cultural tradition of Ji-ganawendamang Gidakiiminaan ('keeping the land'), which consists of honouring the gifts of the Creator, respecting all forms of life, and maintaining harmonious relations with others. A complex network of livelihood sites, habitation sites, travel routes and ceremonial sites, often linked by waterways, provides testimony to this ancient and continuing tradition.

Canada-UNESCO2018 World Heritage


첨부 [1]


중국 China 명소모음, 7대불가사의(고대, 신(新), 후보지), 세계10대건설, 영문고전, 두바이, 다빈치코드코스, 문화유산 - 한국, 아시아, 북중미, 남미, 유럽, 아프리카, 오세아니아, 테마별, 역사부도 - 한국, 아시아, 북중미, 남미, 유럽, 아프리카, 오세아니아,

World Tour, W-Tour Category, W-History Category, W-Golf Category, W-Stadium Category, W-University Category, world news, Eng Novel 셜록홈즈Category, 괴도루팡Category, 이솝우화, 허클베리핀, 오만과편견, 삼국연의, K-Drama Category, Korea Tour Category, Korea History Category, 서바이벌 퀴즈 (사자성어, 한문, 국사, 세계사, 영어문제, 부동산, 공무원시험), 역사년표Map BC -AD 1 -600 -1000 -1500 -1800 -1900 -1950 -1980-현재 (1945년이후 10대뉴스) World