

세계관광명소 Cyber World TourAsia › 중국 Ruins of St. Paul's

cyber | 2015.12.02 07:22:00 | 본문 건너뛰기 쓰기
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중국 Ruins of St. Paul's
Macau, China
Undoubtedly Macau’s blockbuster tourist attraction, St Paul’s is the ruins of a 16th century Jesuit church, which many believe to have been the most important church in Asia during Christianity’s early forays into the region. The church was almost wholly destroyed by fire in 1835, while being used as a barracks, and all that remains is the remarkably impressive facade. Set in stone, the four storey facade is held aloft by slender columns and adorned with intricate carvings of biblical scenes, saints and more Asian inspired images.


첨부 [1]


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