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Chapter 039 박망파 싸움 01



At Jingzhou, The Son Of Liu Biao Thrice Begs Advice;

At Bowang Slope, The Directing Instructor Plans His First Battle.


Now Sun Quan fought against Xiakou. When Huang Zu recognized that he was beaten and could not maintain his position, he abandoned Jiangxia and took the road to Jingzhou. Gan Ning, foreseeing this, had laid an ambush outside the east gate of Jiangxia. Soon after the fugitive, with a small following, had burst out of the gate, he found his road blocked.

From horseback, Huang Zu said, "I treated you well in the past. Why do you now press me so hard?"

Gan Ning angrily shouted, "I did good service for you, and yet you treated me as a pirate. Now what have you to say?"

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