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Chapter 013 이각과 곽사의 난 23



Now Han Rong went to see Li Jue and Guo Si. After listening to his vigorous persuasions, the two rebel generals agreed to set free the officials and Palace people.

A famine occurred that same year and people were reduced to eating grass from the roadside. Starving, they wandered hither and thither. But food and clothing were sent to the Emperor from the Governor of Henei, Zhang Yang, and the Governor of Hedong, Wang Yi, and the court began to enjoy a little repose.

Dong Cheng and Yang Feng sent laborers to restore the palaces in Luoyang with the intention of moving the court thither. Li Yue was opposed to this.

Dong Cheng argued, "Luoyang is the original capital as opposed to the paltry town of Anyi. Removal would be but reasonable."

Yue wound up by saying, "You may get the court to remove, but I shall remain here."

But when the consent of the Emperor had been given and a start made by Dong Cheng and Yang Feng, Li Yue secretly sent to arrange with Li Jue and Guo Si to capture the Emperor. However, this plot leaked out, and the escort so arranged as to prevent such a thing, and they pressed on to the pass at Gu Hills as rapidly as possible. Li Yue heard this and, without waiting for his rebel colleagues to join him, set out to act alone.

About the fourth watch, just as the cavalcade was passing Gu Hills, a voice was heard shouting, "Stop those carriages! Li Jue and Guo Si are here!"

This frightened the Emperor greatly, and his terror increased when he saw the whole mountain side suddenly light up. Indeed:

The rebel party, erstwhile split in twain, 
To work their wicked will now join three again.

How the Son of Heaven escaped this peril will be told in the next chapter.

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