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Chapter 040 불타는 신야성 11
11.蔡瑁大怒,喝令左右推出斬之,李珪至死大罵不絕。於是蔡瑁遂立劉琮為主。蔡氏宗族,分領荊州之兵;命治中鄧義、別駕劉先守荊州。 蔡夫人自與劉琮前赴襄陽駐紮,以防劉琦、劉備,就葬劉表之棺於襄陽城東漢陽之原,竟不訃告劉琦與玄德。

Cai Mao ordered the lictors to take Li Gui away to execution. He was hurried out, but his tongue ceased not.

So the younger son was placed in his father's seat, and the Cai clan shared among them the whole military authority of the region. The defense of Jingzhou was confided to Liu Xin and Deng Yi, while Lady Cai and her son took up their residence in Xiangyang so as to be out of the reach of the rightful heir and his uncle. They interred the remains of the late Imperial Protector on the east of Xiangyang, near the bank of the Han River. No notice of the death was sent to Liu Qi, the son, or to Liu Bei, his uncle.

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