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Chapter 040 불타는 신야성 12

Liu Zong arrived at Xiangyang, but, before he had had time to recover from the fatigue of the journey, the startling news of the approach of Cao Cao's great army came in. He summoned Kuai Yue and Cai Mao and others to ask counsel.

One of the secretaries, Fu Xuan, offered his advice, saying, "Not only are we threatened by a great army from the north, but the elder son, who is the real heir, at Jiangxia, and his uncle at Xinye, are to be reckoned with. These two have not been notified of the death, and they will resent that. We shall be in sad case if they also march against us. But if you will adopt my suggestion, then our people will be as steady as Taishan Mountains and our young lord's position and rank will be assured."

"What is your plan?" asked the young lord.

"To offer the whole region to Cao Cao, who will treat our young master most liberally."

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