A joke collection  


A lady at work was seen putting a credit card into her floppy drive and
pulling it out very quickly. When inquired as to what she was doing, she
said she was shopping on the internet, and they asked for a credit card
number, so she's using the ATM "thingy".


College student: "Hey, Dad! I've got some great news for you!"

Father: "What, son?"

College student: "Remember that $500 you promised me if I made
the Dean's list?"

Father: "I certainly do."

College student: "Well, you get to keep it."


A blond was walking on the beach one day and saw a shark swimming around a
The man was screaming, "Help me! Help me!"
The blond laughed and laughed! She knew that the shark was never going to
help that man!


A man invented a formula where, if he added the number of letters in a
horse's name and applied his formula, he could always pick the winner of
the race. He was making tons of money until he was arrested for adding and


Murphy was staggering home with a pint of booze
in his back pocket when he slipped and fell heavily.
Struggling to his feet, he felt something wet running
down his leg. "Please Lord", he implored, "let it
be blood!!"


    O'Riley walked into the bedroom to find his wife rolling in the hay
with another man. "What in the name of St. Paddy is going on? Who is
this man?"
    His wife thought for a moment, then said, "That's a fair question."
She turned to the other man and asked, "What's your name?"


   An Irishman visited his parents the day after his wedding. His father
took him aside and asked, "How did it go last night, son?"
    The Irishman winked and elbowed his dad. "Gee, great. You know, the
she was acting, I think I could have screwed her."


How do you know if you have Irish arthritis?
You get stiff in a new joint every night.

What's the difference between an Irish wedding and an Irish wake?
One less drunk!

Why don't they cremate Irishmen?
The last time they tried, it took a week to put out the fire.


The Irish couple were necking in the living room. "What are you
thinking about?" Maureen moaned.
"The same thing you are," Ryan replied. Then he got up, dashed to
the refrigerator, and opened two beers.

The real purpose for a propeller on a single engine aircraft is to
keep the pilot cool...
If you doubt this, watch him start to sweat when it quits...


An applicant was filling out a job application. When he came to the
question, "Have you ever been arrested?" he wrote, "No."

The next question, intended for people who had answered in the
to the previous question, was "Why?"

The applicant answered it anyway: "Never got caught."


A man walked into a dress shop and told the clerk he wanted to buy a
surprise formal evening gown for his wife.
"What size?" asked the clerk.
The man shrugged blankly.
Trying to help, the clerk inquired, "Well then, what are your wife's
The man thought for a moment. "Small, medium, and large and in that


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