A man meets a hooker on the street

A guy met a hooker on the street. He said, "Let's go out in the
alley and get it on, I've got fifteen bucks."

"Fifteen bucks?" She scoffed, "For fifteen bucks, you can look at
it." He agreed.

They went into the alley, she drops her drawers, and he went to his
knees. It was dark, and he couldn't see anything, so he lit his
lighter. "Gee, your pubic hair... it's so thick, so matted, so
lustrous... it's beautiful."

    "Thank you," she said.

    He asked, "Can I ask you a personal question?"


    "Can you pee through all that hair?" he questioned.


    "Well, then you better start," he said, "because you're on fire!"

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