
▶ 장 요약
  창24:1        이삭의 결혼 준비
  창24:10        리브가를 만난 엘리에셀
  창24:16        라반 집의 엘리에셀
  창24:34        이삭을 위한 청혼
  창24:50        리브가를 보내는 라반과 브두엘
  창24:62        리브가를 만난 이삭

Abraham, being solicitous to get his son Isaac property married, calls his confidential servant, probably Eliezer, and makes him swear that he will not take a wife for Isaac from among the Canaanites, 1-3, but from among his own kindred, 4. The servant proposes certain difficulties, 5, which Abraham removes by giving him the strongest assurances of God's direction in the business, 6, 7, and then specifies the conditions of the oath, 8. The form of the oath itself, 9. The servant makes preparations for his journey, and sets out for Mesopotamia, the residence of Abraham's kindred, 10. Arrives at a well near to the place, 11. His prayer to God, 12-14. Rebekah, the daughter of Bethuel, son of Nahor, Abraham's brother, comes to the well to draw water, 15. She is described, 16.Conversation between her and Abraham's servant, in which every thing took place according to his prayer to God, 17-21. He makes her presents, and learns whose daughter she is, 22-24. She invites him to her father's house, 25. He returns thanks to God for having thus far given him a prosperous journey, 26, 27. Rebekah runs home and informs her family, 28; on which her brother Laban comes out, and invites the servant home, 29-31. His reception, 32, 33. Tells his errand, 34, and how he had proceeded in executing the trust reposed in him, 35-48. Requests an answer, 49. The family of Rebekah consent that she should become the wife of Isaac, 50, 51. The servant worships God, 52, and gives presents to Milcah, Laban, and Rebekah, 53. He requests to be dismissed, 54-56.Rebekah, being consulted, consents to go, 57, 58. She is accompanied by her nurse, 59; and having received the blessing of her parents and relatives, 60, she departs with the servant of Abraham, 61. They are met by Isaac, who was on an evening walk for the purpose of meditation, 62-65.The servant relates to Isaac all that he had done, 66. Isaac and Rebekah are married, 67.

1. 리브가의 아버지의 이름은 무엇입니까?

=====god meditation 개역한글
1. 성도의 결혼 원리는(창 24:1-67)? 
2. 손을 환도뼈 밑에 넣는 것은 무슨 의미인가(창 24:2, 3)? 
3. 아브라함이 가나안 족속 중에서 이삭의 아내를 택하지 않은 이유는(창 24:3)? 
4. 이삭을 고향으로 데려가지 말라고 한 이유는(창 24:6, 7)? 
5. 이삭의 배필을 구하는 일에 있어서 아브라함이 믿은 하나님의 섭리는(창 24:7)? 
6. 엘리에셀이 이삭의 배우자를 고른 기준은(창 24:12-14)? 
7. 리브가의 첫인상은 어떠했는가(창 24:15-20)? 
8. 마땅한 신부감을 찾은 엘리에셀의 반응은(창 24:26, 27)? 
9. 노종에게 나타나신 하나님은(창 24:27)? 
10. 라반의 신앙의 특징은(창 24:28-32)? 
11. 엘리에셀의 임무 수행 자세는(창 24:33-49)? 
12. 엘리에셀이 리브가의 가족에게서 찾고자 한 바는(창 24:49)? 
13. 엘리에셀의 말을 들은 브두엘의 대답은(창 24:50)? 
14. 결혼 승낙을 얻어낸 엘리에셀의 다음 행적은(창 24:52-60)? 
15. 이삭과 리브가의 결혼의 의미는(창 24:50-60)? 
16. 리브가의 결심은 어떠했나(창 24:57, 58)? 
17. 이삭이 들에서 한 일은(창 24:62, 63)? 
18. 리브가가 이삭을 만나 취한 행동은(창 24:65, 66)? 
NIV (KJV) 창세기 24장 본문 (클릭)

1 What did Abraham's servant take ten of, of his masters?
2 Where did Isaac come from?
3 What did the two gold bracelets weigh?

4 What time of day did Rebekah see Isaac in the field?
5 What of the servant's weighed about one fifth of an ounce?
6 Who was the grandaughter of Milcah?

7 Who went and fetched Abraham's servant from the well to the house of Rebekah?
8 How long did Rebekah's brother and mother say she should remain before she would go with the servant?
9 Where did the servant set out for?

10 The daughters of where must not become a wife for Abraham's son?
11 Under what of Abraham's did his servant put his hand?
12 By the well of which town did Abraham's servant pray?

개역한글KHRV( 120일1독, 1년1독, 권별, 성경통독 )

STUDY - 구절(WESLEY), 단락(MATTHEW), 테마별, 읽기(Wayne), 소요리, 대요리 문답, 신앙고백WCF
Dictionary - Chapter, OT구약, NT신약,

성경연대표 1.창조 2.족장 3.출애굽 4.광야 5.정복 6.사사 7.통일왕국 8.분열왕국 9.포로 10.포로귀환 11.중간 12.예수 13.초대교회 14.세계선교