Kq073. Which Tribe?

The tribes of Israel originated from the sons of Jacob, who the LORD renamed as "Israel"

1. Who was the firstborn son of Jacob? [Hint]

(a) Judah
(b) Joseph
(c) Reuben
(d) Levi

2. Where was Judah, from whom the "Jews" originated ("Jew" is merely an abbreviation of Judah), born? [Hint]

(a) Israel
(b) Egypt
(c) Judea
(d) Syria

3. Which tribe was chosen by the LORD to serve as the priests? [Hint]

(a) Judah
(b) Benjamin
(c) Levi
(d) Manasseh

4. Which tribal patriarch became the Prime Minister of Egypt for the Pharaoh? [Hint]

(a) Ephraim
(b) Manasseh
(c) Moses
(d) Joseph

5. What was Moses? [Hint]

(a) A Jew
(b) A Levite
(c) A Benjamite
(d) A Reubenite

6. Who was the only Israelite tribal patriarch that was born in the land that was later known as Israel (all of the others were born in either Syria or Egypt)? [Hint]

(a) Judah
(b) Benjamin
(c) Joseph
(d) Levi

7. What was the name of Jacob's only daughter? [Hint]

(a) Rachel
(b) Leah
(c) Sarah
(d) Dinah

8. Why did Jacob adopt his Egyptian-born grandsons Ephraim and Manasseh as sons, thereby making them Israelite tribal patriarchs in their own right? [Hint]

(a) Their father Joseph died and they became orphans
(b) Jacob favored them over his sons
(c) Because of the death of Rachel
(d) Because Prime Minister Joseph had more wealth and than his brothers so Jacob divided it

9. Of which tribe was John the Baptist? [Hint]

(a) Judah
(b) Levi
(c) Ephraim
(d) Manasseh

10. Of which tribe was Jesus Christ? [Hint]

(a) Judah
(b) Levi
(c) Ephraim
(d) Manasseh

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Dictionary - Chapter, OT구약, NT신약,

성경연대표 1.창조 2.족장 3.출애굽 4.광야 5.정복 6.사사 7.통일왕국 8.분열왕국 9.포로 10.포로귀환 11.중간 12.예수 13.초대교회 14.세계선교