LLM01] Adam and Eve


1. What did God make Adam from?
2. Where did Adam and the woman live?

3. Who was the serpent?
4. What did Adam and Eve do that was wrong?

5. What did God do?

Fill in the blanks
choose your answers from this word list:

Garden of Eden, coats, Cherubim, animal skins, dust, mother, Eve, trees, cursed, look at, thorns, good to eat, thistles, life, deliver, eat, deceived, surely die, hid, obey, fig leaves, obey, Adam, rib, Woman, Adam, ate, serpent, wise, questioned, pretty, eyes, food 

1. God formed man from the ( ) of the ground.
2. God made a beautiful Garden of a) ( ) with b) ( ) to look at, trees that were c) ( ) ( ) ( ), and the tree of d) ( ).

3. God told Adam not to ( ) of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

4. God told Adam that if he ate of it he would ( ) ( ).
5. Adam had to ( ) God.

6. God made a woman from Adam’s ( ). Adam named her ( ) at that time.

7. The a) ( ) went to talk to the woman and he b) ( ) the Word of God.

8. The serpent told the woman her ( ) would be opened if she ate the fruit from the tree.

9. The woman saw that the tree was good for a) ( ), that it was b) ( ) to the eyes, and could make her c) ( ) so she d) ( ) it. She gave some to Adam and he did eat too.

10. They made ( ) from ( ) ( ).
11. When Adam and the woman heard God’s voice they ( ) from him.

12. The woman told God that the serpent ( ) her.
13. God promised that one day a woman would have a baby that would ( ) the world.

14. God ( ) the ground to bring forth ( ) and ( ).
15. Adam named his wife ( ) because she would be the ( ) of all living.

16. God made them ( ) of ( ) ( ).
17. God sent Adam and Eve out of the ( ) ( ) ( ) and placed angels called ( ) to protect the garden.
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성경연대표 1.창조 2.족장 3.출애굽 4.광야 5.정복 6.사사 7.통일왕국 8.분열왕국 9.포로 10.포로귀환 11.중간 12.예수 13.초대교회 14.세계선교