▶ 장 요약

  암3:1         이스라엘에 임할 심판 예언
  암3:9         이스라엘 죄악과 심판
  암3:13        벧엘의 운명 예언

This chapter begins with reproving the twelve tribes in general, 1,2; and then particularly the kingdom of Israel, whose capital was Samaria. Thee prophet assures them that, while they were at variance with God, it would be unreasonable in them to expect his presence or favour, 3-8. Other neighbouring nations are then called upon to take warning from the judgments about to be inflicted upon the house of Israel, which would be so general that only a small remnant should escape them, 9-15. The image used by the prophet on this occasion, (see Amos 3:12,) and borrowed from his former calling, is very natural and significant, and not a little dignified by the inspired writer's lofty air and manner.

NIV (KJV) 아모스 3장 본문 (클릭)

1. 사마리아의 부패상은 무엇인가요?
2. 하나님께서는 행하시기 전에 먼저 누구에게 비밀을 보이십니까?
3. 하나님께서 벌을 내리실 때 궁궐들은 어떻게 될 것이라고 했나요?

개역한글KHRV( 120일1독, 1년1독, 권별, 성경통독 )

STUDY - 구절(WESLEY), 단락(MATTHEW), 테마별, 읽기(Wayne), 소요리, 대요리 문답, 신앙고백WCF
Dictionary - Chapter, OT구약, NT신약,

성경연대표 1.창조 2.족장 3.출애굽 4.광야 5.정복 6.사사 7.통일왕국 8.분열왕국 9.포로 10.포로귀환 11.중간 12.예수 13.초대교회 14.세계선교