▶ 장 요약

  사10:1        압제자에게 내려진 심판의 선고
  사10:5        교만한 앗수르에 대한 심판
  사10:20        남은 자의 귀환이 약속됨
  사10:24        유다에 대한 격려

God's judgments against oppressive rulers, 1-4. The prophet foretells the invasion of Sennacherib, and the destruction of his army. That mighty monarch is represented as a rod in the hand of God to correct his people for their sins; and his ambitious purposes, contrary to his own intentions, are made subservient to the great desires of Providence, 5-11. Having accomplished this work, the Almighty takes account of his impious vauntings, 12-14; and threatens utter destruction to the small and great of his army, represented by the thorns, and the glory of the forest, 15-19. This leads the prophet to comfort his countrymen with the promise of the signal interposition of God in their favour, 24-27. Brief description of the march of Sennarherib towards Jerusalem, and of the alarm and terror which he spread every where as he hastened forward, 28-32. The spirit and rapidity of the description is admirably suited to the subject. The affrighted people are seen fleeing, and the eager invader pursuing; the cries of one city are heard by those of another; and groan swiftly succeeds to groan, till at length the rod is lifted over the last citadel. In this critical situation, however, the promise of a Divine interposition is seasonably renewed. The scene instantly changes; the uplifted arm of this mighty conqueror is at once arrested and laid low by the hand of heaven; the forest of Lebanon, (a figure by which the immense Assyrian host is elegantly pointed out, is hewn down by the axe of the Divine vengeance; and the mind is equally pleased with the equity of the judgment, and the beauty and majesty of the description, 33,34.

NIV (KJV) 이사야 10장 본문 (클릭)

1. 앗수르의 죄는 무엇인가요?
2. 하나님께서 진노의 막대기로 사용하시고자 했던 나라는 어디인가요?

3. 하나님께서는 시온과 예루살렘을 심판하신 후에 누구를 벌하실 것이라고 하셨나요?
4. 하나님께로 돌아올 자는 어떤 사람들입니까?

개역한글KHRV( 120일1독, 1년1독, 권별, 성경통독 )

STUDY - 구절(WESLEY), 단락(MATTHEW), 테마별, 읽기(Wayne), 소요리, 대요리 문답, 신앙고백WCF
Dictionary - Chapter, OT구약, NT신약,

성경연대표 1.창조 2.족장 3.출애굽 4.광야 5.정복 6.사사 7.통일왕국 8.분열왕국 9.포로 10.포로귀환 11.중간 12.예수 13.초대교회 14.세계선교