▶ 객점/숙소/주막 Inn.

We read of the inn as early as Gen. 42:27; Gen. 43:21, when Jacob sent to Egypt for corn. As the word malon signifies simply 'lodging place,' at first nothing more may be implied than a place near water, where travellers usually rested. It would soon have been found that persons travelling long distances needed protection and some better resting place at night, which led to such places being provided at certain stations. Those known in the East were merely enclosures walled round for security, with covered compartments attached to the walls, where travellers could recline, and place their goods. It was at an inn that Zipporah circumcised her son. Ex. 4:24.

(창42:27 한 사람이 객점에서 나귀에게 먹이를 주려고 자루를 풀고 본즉 그 돈이 자루 아구에 있는지라

(창43:21 객점에 이르러 자루를 풀어본즉 각인의 돈이 본 수대로 자루 아구에 있기로 우리가 도로 가져왔고

(출04:24 여호와께서 길의 숙소에서 모세를 만나사 그를 죽이려하시는지라

In the N.T. when the Lord was born, the word for 'inn' is κατάλυμα, which is translated 'guest-chamber' in Mark 14:14; Luke 22:11; and may refer to a lodging house. Travellers have found such accommodation, and at times cattle occupied part of the house, which might account for a 'manger' being found there. In Luke 10:34 the word is πανδοχεῖον, 'a house for the reception of strangers,' a road-side inn. As there was a 'host' to whom the injured man was committed, it was doubtless a better place than a Khan.

(막14:14 어디든지 그의 들어가는 그 집 주인에게 이르되 선생님의 말씀이 내가 내 제자들과 함께 유월절을 먹을 나의 객실이 어디 있느뇨 하시더라 하라

(눅22:11 그 집 주인에게 이르되 선생님이 네게 하는 말씀이 내가 내 제자들과 함께 유월절을 먹을 객실이 어디 있느뇨 하시더라 하라

(눅10:34 가까이 가서 기름과 포도주를 그 상처에 붓고 싸매고 자기 짐승에 태워 주막으로 데리고 가서 돌보아 주고

--- Morrish Bible Dictionary


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