▶ 때/시 Hour. 

Used with various significations in scripture: as 

1.   An indefinite period, when the word 'time' gives the sense: "the hour cometh when ye shall neither in this mountain, nor yet at Jerusalem, worship the Father." John 4:21. 

(요04:21 예수께서 가라사대 여자여 내 말을 믿으라 이 산에서도 말고 예루살렘에서도 말고 너희가 아버지께 예배할 때가 이르리라

2.   A definite point of time, when 'moment' or 'at once' would give the sense. "The woman was made whole from that hour." Matt. 9:22. 

(마09:22 예수께서 돌이켜 그를 보시며 가라사대 딸아 안심하라 네 믿음이 너를 구원하였다 하시니 여자가 그 시로 구원을 받으니라

3.   The division of the day into twelve hours, generally considered to be from sunrise to sunset. This varied in Palestine, from ten of our hours in the winter to fourteen in the summer; so that the hours in summer would be nearly half as long again as in the winter. The hours of scripture are now usually reckoned from 6 o'clock A.M. to 6 o'clock P.M., which would make the third hour our 9 o'clock; the sixth hour our 12 o'clock; the ninth hour our 3 o'clock P.M., and so on.

This would be applicable to all the definite hours mentioned in the N.T. except in the Gospel by John. This evangelist followed the plan of reckoning from midnight to midnight. This explains the difficulty found in John 19:14, which represents the trial proceeding at the sixth hour, whereas Mark 15:25 says "It was the third hour and they crucified him." A comparison of all the passages shows that the trial commenced early, and our 6 o'clock suits very well; and the crucifixion at 9 o'clock, the third hour of the Jews, agrees with Mark. The other definite times mentioned in John are in John 1:39; John 4:6, 52, 53, and the now common method of reckoning the time will agree with all of them.

(요19:14 이 날은 유월절의 예비일이요 때는 제 육시라 빌라도가 유대인들에게 이르되 보라 너희 왕이로다

(막15:25 때가 제삼시가 되어 십자가에 못박으니라

(요01:39 예수께서 가라사대 와 보라 그러므로 저희가 가서 계신 데를 보고 그 날 함께 거하니 때가 제십시쯤 되었더라

(요04:6, 52, 53 6 거기 또 야곱의 우물이 있더라 예수께서 행로에 곤하여 우물 곁에 그대로 앉으시니 때가 제 육시쯤 되었더라 52 그 낫기 시작한 때를 물은즉 어제 제 칠시에 열기가 떨어졌나이다 하는지라 53 아비가 예수께서 네 아들이 살았다 말씀하신 그 때인 줄 알고 자기와 그 온 집이 다 믿으니라

--- Morrish Bible Dictionary

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