▶ 증거/증인 Witness. 

The testimony or evidence adduced or given in confirmation of an assertion, and so often used judicially. The term also sometimes speaks simply of an expression of mind or feeling. Until God intervenes in power to establish His own purpose in regard to this world, He maintains a testimony to that which He will assuredly accomplish.

The words μαρτυρέω, μαρτυρια, and μαρτύριον are translated both 'testimony' and 'witness.' The idea runs all through the scriptures in respect both to God Himself and to His people. Paul declared before the heathen at Lystra that God 'had not left himself without witness' as to His existence and His goodness, in giving rain and fruitful seasons, filling their 'hearts with food and gladness,' Acts 14:17. The invisible things of God are testified of, "being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, or divinity." Rom. 1:19, 20.

(행14:17 그러나 자기를 증거하지 아니하신 것이 아니니 곧 너희에게 하늘로서 비를 내리시며 결실기를 주시는 선한 일을 하사 음식과 기쁨으로 너희 마음에 만족케 하셨느니라 하고

(롬01:19-20  이는 하나님을 알만한 것이 저희 속에 보임이라 하나님께서 이를 저희에게 보이셨느니라 창세로부터 그의 보이지 아니하는 것들 곧 그의 영원하신 능력과 신성이 그 만드신 만물에 분명히 보여 알게 되나니 그러므로 저희가 핑계치 못할찌니라

God having for fifteen hundred years manifested His patience towards the guilty antediluvian world, He, after warning the people by the preaching of Noah, bore witness to His righteousness and His power by the deluge, and at the same time manifested His grace in saving Noah and his family in the ark.

The witness which God vouchsafed of Himself to Abraham was that He was 'THE ALMIGHTY GOD'; to Moses it was 'I AM THAT I AM'; and to Israel, 'JEHOVAH.' The ark was often called the "Ark of the testimony," and the tabernacle was the "Tent of witness," the witness of good things to come. To Nebuchadnezzar God was witnessed to as the 'GOD OF HEAVEN.' To the Christian He is 'GOD AND FATHER.'

Israel were of old God's witnesses, and will also be in the future.

When Christ was on earth He bore witness to God as LOVE and LIGHT. The Lord Jesus is declared to be "the faithful and true witness," Rev. 3:14; and His works and His words were witnesses that He had come from God. The Father also bore witness to Him as His beloved Son, in whom He was well pleased. The Lord Jesus confessed before the Jewish council that He was the Son of God, and before Pilate that He was the King of the Jews. Matt. 26:63, 64; Matt. 27:11.

(계03:14; 라오디게아 교회의 사자에게 편지하기를 아멘이시요 충성되고 참된 증인이시요 하나님의 창조의 근본이신 이가 가라사대

(마26:63, 64; 예수께서 잠잠하시거늘 대제사장이 가로되 내가 너로 살아 계신 하나님께 맹세하게 하노니 네가 하나님의 아들 그리스도인지 우리에게 말하라 예수께서 가라사대 네가 말하였느니라 그러나 내가 너희에게 이르노니 이 후에 인자가 권능의 우편에 앉은 것과 하늘 구름을 타고 오는 것을 너희가 보리라 하시니

예수께서 총독 앞에 섰으매 총독이 물어 가로되 네가 유대인의 왕이냐 예수께서 대답하시되 네 말이 옳도다 하시고

Peter and John were witnesses of the truth before the council, so that they took knowledge of them that they had been with Jesus. Acts 4:13.  Stephen also was a true witness, and his testimony led to his becoming a martyr (μάρτυς).  In Heb. 11 is given a 'great cloud' of witnesses to the principle of faith in Old Testament saints, some of whom were also martyrs. God will to the last have a testimony on earth as seen in His 'two witnesses' of Rev. 11.

(행04:13  저희가 베드로와 요한이 기탄없이 말함을 보고 그 본래 학문 없는 범인으로 알았다가 이상히 여기며 또 그 전에 예수와 함께 있던 줄도 알고

(히11: 믿음

(계11: 두 증인

In Christianity there are said to be three witnesses — "the Spirit and the water and the blood: and these three agree in one" — they affirm that God has given to the believer "eternal life, and this life is in his Son."  "He that believeth on the Son of God hath the witness in himself." 1 John 5:8-11.

(요일05:08-11  증거하는 이가 셋이니 성령과 물과 피라 또한 이 셋이 합하여 하나이니라 만일 우리가 사람들의 증거를 받을찐대 하나님의 증거는 더욱 크도다 하나님의 증거는 이것이니 그 아들에 관하여 증거하신 것이니라 하나님의 아들을 믿는 자는 자기 안에 증거가 있고 하나님을 믿지 아니하는 자는 하나님을 거짓말 하는 자로 만드나니 이는 하나님께서 그 아들에 관하여 증거하신 증거를 믿지 아니하였음이라 또 증거는 이것이니 하나님이 우리에게 영생을 주신 것과 이 생명이 그의 아들 안에 있는 그것이니라

The Church, in the absence of the Lord Jesus, is the vessel of the testimony of Christ, hence Christians should be in their whole life and deportment true witnesses to the rejected Christ. The testimony of the church is characterised by — separation from the world; devotedness to the interests of the Lord Jesus on earth; faithfulness to the truth; unblamable moral conduct; and indeed, as the pillar and ground of the truth, by everything that becometh godliness.

Under the law of Moses it was enacted that in all charges of guilt two or three witnesses were necessary. Deut. 17:6. In the church the same order is maintained, "in the mouth of two or three witnesses shall every word [or matter] be established." Matt. 18:16; 2 Cor. 13:1; 1 Tim. 5:19.

(신17:6  죽일 자를 두 사람이나 세 사람의 증거로 죽일 것이요 한 사람의 증거로는 죽이지 말것이며

(마18:16;  만일 듣지 않거든 한 두 사람을 데리고 가서 두 세 증인의 입으로 말마다 증참케 하라

(고후13:1; 내가 이제 세 번째 너희에게 갈터이니 두세 증인의 입으로 말마다 확정하리라

(딤전05:19. 장로에 대한 송사는 두 세 증인이 없으면 받지 말 것이요

--- Morrish Bible Dictionary

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