아각 사람 (아말렉 사람) Agagite. [A'gagite]

Haman was the son of Hammedatha the Agagite. Esther 3:1-10; Esther 8:3, 5; Esther 9:24. Fürst says the Gentile name "of Haman is therefore explained by Josephus τὸ γένος Ἀμαλεκίτες and so too by Jewish tradition." That is, that Haman was an Amalekite. This explains why Mordecai refused to bow down before Haman. He was of that race with which Jehovah had sworn to have war for ever, and which Saul was directed to utterly exterminate. Ex. 17:16; Deut. 25:19; 1 Sam. 15:3. 

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