▶ 붉은 암송아지 Heifer, Red. 

This was a unique offering. The red heifer was killed outside the camp, and its blood was sprinkled by the priest seven times directly before the tabernacle. The whole of the heifer was then burnt, and the priest cast cedar wood, hyssop, and scarlet into the burning of the heifer. The ashes were gathered up and laid in a clean place outside the camp. When the ashes were used, a person that was clean mixed in a vessel some of the ashes with running water, then he dipped hyssop into the water, and sprinkled the person, tent, etc., that was unclean. It was a water of separation — a purification for sin.

The ordinance of the red heifer was an exceptional form of sin offering. It had not atonement in view, but the cleansing by water of those who, having their dwelling and place in the camp, where Jehovah's sanctuary was, had become defiled by the way: cf. Num. 5:1-4. Upon the basis of sin being condemned in the cross, it corresponds to 1 John 1:9. The washing of the feet of those that are clean, as taught by the Lord in John 13 has this character of cleansing with water. The Holy Spirit applies, by the word, the truth of the condemnation of sin in the cross of Christ to the heart and conscience, to purify the believer, without applying the blood again. Num. 19:1-22; Heb. 9:13. But John 13 goes further. The Lord applies the truth of His departure out of this world to the Father to the walk of His disciples.

(민05:1-4. 부정한 사람의 처리. 여호와께서 모세에게 일러 가라사대 이스라엘 자손에게 명하여 모든 문둥병 환자와 유출병이 있는 자와 주검으로 부정케 된 자를 다 진밖으로 내어 보내되 무론남녀하고 다 진 밖으로 내어 보내어 그들로 진을 더럽히게 말라 내가 그 진 가운데 거하느니라 하시매 이스라엘 자손이 그같이 행하여 그들을 진 밖으로 내어 보내었으니 곧 여호와께서 모세에게 이르신대로 이스라엘 자손이 행하였더라

(요일01:9. 만일 우리가 우리 죄를 자백하면 저는 미쁘시고 의로우사 우리 죄를 사하시며 모든 불의에서 우리를 깨끗케 하실 것이요

(민19:1-22; 1-10 붉은 암송아지의 재, 11-22 시체를 만진 자

(히09:13. 염소와 황소의 피와 및 암송아지의 재로 부정한 자에게 뿌려 그 육체를 정결케 하여 거룩케 하거든

--- Morrish Bible Dictionary

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