▶ 야엘(Jael)


겐 사람 헤벨의 처(삿04:17).
이스라엘과의 전쟁에서 패주하여온 시스라를 자기 장막 중에서 죽임으로 이스라엘측의 칭찬을 받았다(삿 5:24). 그 전말은 산문과 운문으로 기록되어 있다(삿04:17-22, (삿05:24-27).  

▶ 야엘 Jael. [Ja'el] 

Wife of Heber the Kenite, a descendant of Jethro, father-in-law of Moses, who was head of an Arab clan which was established in the north of Palestine. When Sisera's army was defeated by Barak and Deborah, he left his chariot and fled on foot to the tent of Jael, whose husband was at peace with Jabin. Jael invited him into her tent, and bade him not to fear, gave him milk to drink, and covered him up. Being weary he fell asleep, and Jael with a hammer drove a tent-peg through his temples till it entered the ground. Judges 4:17-22; Judges 5:6, 24.

(삿04:17-22 시스라의 죽음 

(삿05:06 아낫의 아들 삼갈의 날에 또는 야엘의 날에는 대로가 비었고 행인들은 소로로 다녔도다

(삿05:24 겐 사람 헤벨의 아내 야엘은 다른 여인보다 복을 받을 것이니 장막에 거한 여인보다 더욱 복을 받을 것이로다

Great indignation has been expressed at this act of Jael, and even Christians have blamed her severely; but it was foretold that Jehovah would "sell Sisera into the hand of a woman;" and immediately after the deed, it is added, "So God subdued on that day Jabin the king of Canaan before the children of Israel." And Deborah, in her song of praise, pronounced Jael to be "blessed above women." It is clear from this song that Sisera was an enemy not only of God's people, but of the Lord Himself, for she prophetically utters the words, "So let all thine enemies perish, O Lord." Compare Num. 10:35. Hence God empowered Jael to take his life — as He had led Joshua in some instances to destroy the women and children of the places conquered by him. Where an act is clearly the execution of God's righteous judgement, it rises altogether above what would be justifiable under ordinary circumstances of hospitality or of warfare. Of course in some instances the thing accomplished may be according to the will of God, but not the way in which it is effected.

(민10:35 궤가 떠날 때에는 모세가 가로되 여호와여 일어나사 주의 대적들을 흩으시고 주를 미워하는 자로 주의 앞에서 도망하게 하소서 하였고

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