▶ 아람 문자, 방언 Aramaic. 

This word occurs 2 Kings 18:26; Ezra 4:7; and Isa. 36:11, where it is translated 'the Syrian language' or 'tongue;' also in Dan. 2:4, where it is 'Syriack.' Aramaic is the language of Aram, and embraces the language of Chaldee and that of Syria. Mesopotamia, Babylonia and Syria were its proper home. The first time we meet with it in scripture is in Gen. 31:47, where Laban called the heap of witness 'Jegar-sahadutha,' which is Chaldee; whereas Jacob gave it a Hebrew name, 'Galeed.' In 2 Kings 18:26; Isa. 36:11 the heads of the people asked Rab-shakeh to speak to them in Aramaic that the uneducated might not understand what was said. In Ezra 4:7 the letter sent to Artaxerxes was written in Aramaic, and interpreted in Aramaic, that is, the copy of the letter and what follows as far as Ezra 6:18 is in that language and not in Hebrew. So also is Ezra 7:12-26.

(왕하18:26; 힐기야의 아들 엘리야김과 셉나와 요아가 랍사게에게 이르되 우리가 알아듣겠사오니 청컨대 아람 방언으로 당신의 종들에게 말씀하시고 성 위에 있는 백성의 듣는데 유다 방언으로 우리에게 말씀하지 마옵소서

(스04:7; 아닥사스다 때에 비슬람과 미드르닷과 다브엘과 그 동료들이 바사 왕 아닥사스다에게 글을 올렸으니 그 글은 아람 문자와 아람 방언으로 써서 진술하였더라 

(사36:11, 이에 엘리아김과 셉나와 요아가 랍사게에게 이르되 우리가 아람 방언을 아오니 청컨대 그 방언으로 당신의 종들에게 말씀하고 성 위에 있는 백성의 듣는데서 유다 방언으로 말하지 마소서

(단02:4, 갈대아 술사들이 아람 방언으로 왕에게 말하되 왕이여 만세수를 하옵소서 왕은 그 꿈을 종들에게 이르시면 우리가 해석하여 드리겠나이다

(창31:47, 라반은 그것을 여갈사하두다라 칭하였고 야곱은 그것을 갈르엣이라 칭하였으니
(스06:18 제사장을 그 분반대로, 레위 사람을 그 반차대로 세워 예루살렘에서 하나님을 섬기게 하되 모세의 책에 기록된대로 하게 하니라

(스07:12-26. 아닥사스다왕이 내린 조서

In Daniel 2:4 the Chaldeans spoke to the king in Aramaic, the popular language of Babylon, and what follows to the end of chap. 7: is in that language, though commonly called Chaldee. This must not be confounded with the 'learning and the tongue of the Chaldeans' in Dan. 1:4, which is the Aryan dialect and literature of the Chaldeans, and probably the ordinary language which Daniel spoke in the court of Babylon. Jer. 10:11 is a verse in Aramaic.

(단07: 다니엘 이상 해석

(단01:4 곧 흠이 없고 아름다우며 모든 재주를 통달하며 지식이 구비하며 학문에 익숙하여 왕궁에 모실만한 소년을 데려오게 하였고 그들에게 갈대아 사람의 학문과 방언을 가르치게 하였고

(렘10:11 너희는 이같이 그들에게 이르기를 천지를 짓지 아니한 신들은 땅 위에서, 이 하늘 아래서 망하리라 하라

This language differs from the Hebrew in that it avoids the sibilants. Where the Hebrew has ז z, שׁ sh, צ tz, the Aramaic has ד  d, ת  th, and ט  t.  Letters of the same organ are also interchanged, the Aramaic choosing the rough harder sounds. The latter has fewer vowels, with many variations in the conjugation of verbs, etc.
When the ten tribes were carried away, the colonists, who took their place, brought the Aramaic language with them. The Jews also who returned from Babylon brought many words of the same language. And, though it doubtless underwent various changes, this was the language commonly spoken in Palestine when our Lord was on earth, and is the language called HEBREW in the N.T., and is the same as the Chaldee of the Targums. In the ninth century the language in Palestine gave way to the Arabic, and now Aramaic is a living tongue only among the Syrian Christians in the district around Mosul.

--- Morrish Bible Dictionary

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