▶ 아비나답(Abinadab)

뜻:내 부친은 존중함

[1] 기럇여아림 근방에 거주하는 유다지파 자손으로 블레셋인이 돌려보낸 법 궤가 그의 집에 20년간 있다가 다윗이 찾아오는 도중 그의 아들 웃사가 잘못하므로 여호와가 치시니 궤 곁에서 죽었다(삼상07:1-2), (삼하06:3-7), (대상13:7).

[2] 이새의 제2자요 다윗의 형인데 블레셋 전장에서 사울을 위하여 싸웠다 (삼상16:8, (삼상17:13), (대상02:13).

[3] 사울의 아들인데 그 형제 나단과 말기수와 같이 길보아 전장에서 블레셋인에게 피살 되었다(삼상31:2), (대상08:38, (대상09:39, (대상10:2).


Abinadab. [Abin'adab]

1.  A man at Kirjath-jearim, at whose house the ark remained for many years after it had been returned by the Philistines. The twenty years referred to in 1 Sam. 7. no doubt give the time that elapsed before the repentance of Israel led them to lament after Jehovah. The ark abode in Abinadab's house long after this, however, and was not removed till the early part of David's reign. 2 Sam. 6.; 1 Chr. 13:7.

2.  One of the sons of Jesse. 1 Sam. 16:8; 1 Sam. 17:13.

3.  One of Saul's sons who was killed with his brethren at Saul's last battle with the Philistines. 1 Sam. 31:2.

4.  Father of one of Solomon's twelve officers who provided victuals for the king and household. 1 Kings 4:11.

--- Morrish Bible Dictionary


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