▶ 아나돗 Anathoth. [An'athoth]

1.  Beniamite, son of Becher. 1 Chr. 7:8. (대상07:

2.  One of the chiefs of the people who sealed the covenant. Neh. 10:19. (느10:

3.  City assigned to the priests in the territory of Benjamin, where Abiathar the high priest had his own 'fields,' and where Jeremiah was born: its inhabitants persecuted the prophet. Identified with Anata, 31 49' N, 35 15' E.  Joshua 21:18; 1 Kings 2:26; 1 Chr. 6:60; Ezra 2:23; Neh. 7:27; Neh. 11:32, Isa. 10:30; Jer. 1:1; Jer. 11:21, 23; Jer. 29:27; Jer. 32:7-9.

(수21:18, (삼상23:27, (왕상02:26, (대상06:60, (대상11:28, (대상12:3, (대상27:12, (스02:23, (느07:27, (느11:32, (사10:30, (렘01:1, (렘11:21, (렘11:23, (렘29:27, (렘32:7, (렘32:8, (렘32:9  

--- Morrish Bible Dictionary

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