▶ 빌라도(Pilate)

뜻:창을 가짐

본디오 빌라도는 유다 사마리아 에돔을 다스린 로마의 다섯째 총독(주후26-36).
창 을 잘 쓴다 하여 빌라도라 불렀다.

유대인에게 도전 로마 군대를 예루살렘의 헤룻 궁으로 옮겼고 예루살렘에 황제 화상이 있는 군기를 걸고 경 배케 하고 유대인과 사마리아인을 학살했다.

그의 제일 큰 과오는 예수를 못 밖은 일이 었다.
산헤드린의 밤 회의에서 결박했으나 사형권은 총독에게 있다.
고소 사실을 변 명하지 않는 예수를 이상히 여겼다(막15:5).
갈릴리 사람인고로 분봉왕 헤롯에게 보냈다(눅23:7).
헤롯은 다시 빌라도에게 되돌려 보냈다(눅 23:6-12).

빌라도는 유월절 특사로 예수를 석방하려 했으나 

군중의 동요를 두려워 하여 아내의 경고에도 불구하고 사형 선고를 내려 죽이게 했다(마27:19).
누가에 의하면 그는 예수가 유대인의 왕임을 공공연하게 용인했다(눅23:3).


Pontius Pilate. [Pon'tius Pi'late]

Procurator of Palestine A.D. 26-35. Unlike former governors he fixed the headquarters of the army at Jerusalem instead of Caesarea. They brought their standards with them, which gave great offence. The Jews went to him in crowds, and on his finding that they would rather suffer death than give way, he ordered the standards to be removed. He also hung up in his palace at Jerusalem some gilt shields on which were the names of heathen gods. These were removed by an order from Tiberius. He proceeded to use the 'Corban or Sacred Fund,' raised by the redemption of vows, to form an aqueduct for the public benefit; but this caused an insurrection, which he crushed in blood. Scripture also records that he had mingled the blood of certain Galileans with their sacrifices. Luke 13:1. (눅13:1

His wickedness culminated in the trial and condemnation of the Lord. After declaring more than once that he found no fault in Him, and receiving the warning from his wife, and having the conversation with the Lord, which led to his seeking to release Him — yet to deliver Him up to be crucified at the mere clamour of the Lord's enemies, shows his extreme meanness of character and his unrighteousness. His washing his hands before the multitude, and saying, "I am innocent of the blood of this just person: see ye to it," is evidence that he had a bad conscience, he senselessly condemned himself by his own lips. Like Judas, it had been well for him if he had never been born, though alas, the Jewish rulers, who delivered up the Lord after having seen His miracles and heard His words, had the greater sin. Matt. 27:2, Acts 4:27; 1 Tim. 6:13. (마27:2, (행04:27; (딤전06:13. 

In consequence of complaints by the Samaritans, Pilate was summoned to Rome to answer the charges before the emperor. He was banished, and ended his life by his own hand. Pilate is a signal instance of the way Satan leads his dupes into sin, and then goads them to their own destruction.

There is extant a report of Pilate to the Emperor as to the miracles and death of Christ, laying all blame upon the Jews, also an account of the 'ACTS OF PILATE,' but they are now accounted to be spurious.

개역한글KHRV( 120일1독, 1년1독, 권별, 성경통독 )

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