▶ 알렉산더(Alexander)


[1] 구레네 시몬의 아들(막15:21) 그 동생 루포와 같이 잘 알려진 사람.
[2] 대제사장 가족중의 하나(행04:6).

[3] 바울에게 많은 해를 끼친 구리장색(딤후04:14).
[4] 에베소의 데메드리오 선동에 유대인 대변자(행19:33).

[5] 바울이 사탄에게 내어준 사람(딤전01:19).
[3][4][5]는 동일인이라는 논의도 있다



Alexander. [Alexan'der]

1.  Son of Simon, the Cyrenian who was compelled to carry the cross of the Lord. Mark 15:21.

2.  One of the leaders among the Jews when Peter and John were arrested. Acts 4:6.

3.  A Jew at Ephesus who sought to address the crowd in the theatre. Acts 19:33.

4.  One in the church who having made shipwreck of faith was by Paul delivered unto Satan that he might learn not to blaspheme. 1 Tim. 1:20.

5.  The coppersmith who did Paul much evil, and of whom Timothy was warned. 2 Tim. 4:14. He may have been the same as No. 4.

--- Morrish Bible Dictionary


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