Job Chapter 36 Matthew Henry Commentary Concise

Elihu desires Job's attention. (1-4)
The methods in which God deals with men. (5-14)
Elihu counsels Job. (15-23)
The wonders in the works of creation. (24-33)

Verses 1-4 Elihu only maintained that the affliction was sent for his trial; and lengthened because Job was not yet thoroughly humbled under it. He sought to ascribe righteousness to his Maker; to clear this truth, that God is righteous in all his ways. Such knowledge must be learned from the word and Spirit of God, for naturally we are estranged from it. The fitness of Elihu's discourse to the dispute between Job and his friends is plain. It pointed out to Job the true reason of those trials with which he had been pointed out to Job the true reason of those trials with which he had been visited. It taught that God had acted in mercy towards him, and the spiritual benefit he was to derive from them. It corrected the mistake of his friends, and showed that Job's calamities were for good.

  욥36:1 의로우신 하나님
욥 36:1 엘리후가 말을 이어 가로되 
욥 36:2 나를 잠간 용납하라 내가 네게 보이리니 이는 내가 하나님을 위하여 오히려 할 말이 있음이라 
욥 36:3 내가 먼 데서 지식을 취하고 나를 지으신 자에게 의를 돌려 보내리라 
욥 36:4 진실로 내 말이 거짓이 아니라 지식이 구비한 자가 너와 함께 있느니라

Verses 5-14 Elihu here shows that God acts as righteous Governor. He is always ready to defend those that are injured. If our eye is ever toward God in duty, his eye will be ever upon us in mercy, and, when we are at the lowest, will not overlook us. God intends, when he afflicts us, to discover past sins to us, and to bring them to our remembrance. Also, to dispose our hearts to be taught: affliction makes people willing to learn, through the grace of God working with and by it. And further, to deter us from sinning for the future. It is a command, to have no more to do with sin. If we faithfully serve God, we have the promise of the life that now is, and the comforts of it, as far as is for God's glory and our good: and who would desire them any further? We have the possession of inward pleasures, the great peace which those have that love God's law. If the affliction fail in its work, let men expect the furnace to be heated till they are consumed. Those that die without knowledge, die without grace, and are undone for ever. See the nature of hypocrisy; it lies in the heart: that is for the world and the flesh, while perhaps the outside seems to be for God and religion. Whether sinners die in youth, or live long to heap up wrath, their case is dreadful. The souls of the wicked live after death, but it is in everlasting misery.

욥 36:5 하나님은 전능하시나 아무도 멸시치 아니하시며 그 지능이 무궁하사 
욥 36:6 악인을 살려 두지 않으시며 고난 받는 자를 위하여 신원하시며 
욥 36:7 그 눈을 의인에게서 돌이키지 아니하시고 그를 왕과 함께 영원히 위에 앉히사 존귀하게 하시며 
욥 36:8 혹시 그들이 누설에 매이거나 환난의 줄에 얽혔으면 
욥 36:9 그들의 소행과 허물을 보이사 그 교만한 행위를 알게 하시고 
욥 36:10 그들의 귀를 열어 교훈을 듣게 하시며 명하여 죄악에서 돌아오게 하시나니 
욥 36:11 만일 그들이 청종하여 섬기면 형통히 날을 보내며 즐거이 해를 지낼 것이요 
욥 36:12 만일 그들이 청종치 아니하면 칼에 망하며 지식 없이 죽을 것이니라 
욥 36:13 마음이 사곡한 자들은 분노를 쌓으며 하나님께 속박을 받을지라도 도우심을 구하지 아니하나니
욥 36:14 그들은 젊어서 죽으며 그 생명이 남창과 함께 망하려니와 

Verses 15-23 Elihu shows that Job caused the continuance of his own trouble. He cautions him not to persist in frowardness. Even good men need to be kept to their duty by the fear of God's wrath; the wisest and best have enough in them to deserve his stroke. Let not Job continue his unjust quarrel with God and his providence. And let us never dare to think favourably of sin, never indulge it, nor allow ourselves in it. Elihu thinks Job needed this caution, he having chosen rather to gratify his pride and humour by contending with God, than to mortify them by submitting, and accepting the punishment. It is absurd for us to think to teach Him who is himself the Fountain of light, truth, knowledge, and instruction. He teaches by the Bible, and that is the best book; teaches by his Son, and he is the best Master. He is just in all proceedings.

욥 36:15 하나님은 곤고한 자를 그 곤고할 즈음에 구원하시며 학대 당할 즈음에 그 귀를 여시나니 
욥 36:16 그러므로 하나님이 너를 곤고함에서 이끌어 내사 좁지 않고 넓은 곳으로 옮기려 하셨은즉 무릇 네 상에 차린 것은 살 진 것이 되 었으리라 
욥 36:17 이제는 악인의 받을 벌이 네게 가득하였고 심판과 공의가 너를 잡았나니 
욥 36:18 너는 분격함을 인하여 징책을 대적하지 말라 대속함을 얻을 일이 큰즉 스스로 그릇되게 말지니라 
욥 36:19 너의 부르짖음이나 너의 세력이 어찌 능히 너의 곤고한 가운데서 너로 유익하게 하겠느냐 
욥 36:20 너는 밤 곧 인생이 자기 곳에서 제함을 받는 때를 사모하지 말것이니라 
욥 36:21 삼가 악으로 치우치지 말라 네가 환난보다 이것을 택하였느니라 
욥 36:22 하나님은 그 권능으로 큰 일을 행하시나니 누가 그 같이 교훈을 베풀겠느냐 
욥 36:23 누가 그를 위하여 그의 길을 정하였느냐 누가 말하기를 주께서 불의를 행하셨나이다 할 수 있으랴 

Verses 24-33 Elihu endeavours to fill Job with high thought of God, and so to persuade him into cheerful submission to his providence. Man may see God's works, and is capable of discerning his hand in them, which the beasts are not, therefore they ought to give him the glory. But while the worker of iniquity ought to tremble, the true believer should rejoice. Children should hear with pleasure their Father's voice, even when he speaks in terror to his enemies. There is no light but there may be a cloud to intercept it. The light of the favour of God, the light of his countenance, the most blessed light of all, even that light has many a cloud. The clouds of our sins cause the Lord to his face, and hinder the light of his loving-kindness from shining on our souls.

욥 36:24 너는 하나님의 하신 일 찬송하기를 잊지 말지니라 인생이 그 일을 노래하였느니라 
욥 36:25 그 일을 모든 사람이 우러러 보나니 먼데서도 보느니라 
욥 36:26 하나님은 크시니 우리가 그를 알 수 없고 그 년수를 계산할 수 없느니라 
욥 36:27 그가 물을 가늘게 이끌어 올리신즉 그것이 안개 되어 비를 이루고 
욥 36:28 그것이 공중에서 내려 사람 위에 쏟아지느니라 
욥 36:29 구름의 폐임과 그의 장막의 울리는 소리를 누가 능히 깨달으랴 
욥 36:30 그가 번개 빛으로 자기의 사면에 두르시며 바다 밑도 가리우시며 
욥 36:31 이런 것들로 만민을 징벌하시며 이런 것들로 식물을 풍비히 주시느니라 
욥 36:32 그는 번개 빛으로 그 두 손을 싸시고 그것을 명하사 푯대를 맞추게 하시나니 
욥 36:33 그 울리는 소리가 풍우를 표시하고 육축에게까지 그 올라 오는 것을 표시하느니라 

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