출11장 바로가 계속 듣지 않자 장자의 재앙을 경고하시다

Exodus Chapter 11 Matthew Henry Commentary Concise

God's last instructions to Moses respecting Pharaoh and the Egyptians. (1-3)
The death of the first-born threatened. (4-10)

출11:1 열 번째 재앙 : 장자

출 11:1 여호와께서 모세에게 이르시기를 내가 이제 한 가지 재앙을 바로와 애굽에 내린 후에야 그가 너희를 여기서 보낼지라 그가 너희 를 보낼 때에는 여기서 정녕 다 쫓아 내리니 
출 11:2 백성에게 말하여 남녀로 각기 이웃들에게 은금 패물을 구하게 하라 하시더니 
출 11:3 여호와께서 그 백성으로 애굽 사람의 은혜를 받게 하셨고 또 그 사람 모세는 애굽국에서 바로의 신하와 백성에게 심히 크게 뵈었더라 

Verses 1-3 A secret revelation was made to Moses while in the presence of Pharaoh, that he might give warning of the last dreadful judgment, before he went out. This was the last day of the servitude of Israel; they were about to go away. Their masters, who had abused them in their work, would have sent them away empty; but God provided that the labourers should not lose their hire, and ordered them to demand it now, at their departure, and it was given to them. God will right the injured, who in humble silence commit their cause to him; and none are losers at last by patient suffering. The Lord gave them favour in the sight of the Egyptians, by making it appear how much he favoured them. He also changed the spirit of the Egyptians toward them, and made them to be pitied of their oppressors. Those that honour God, he will honour.

출 11:4 모세가 바로에게 이르되 여호와께서 이같이 말씀하시기를 밤중에 내가 애굽 가운데로 들어가리니
출 11:5 애굽 가운데 처음 난 것은 위에 앉은 바로의 장자로부터 맷돌 뒤에 있는 여종의 장자까지와 모든 생축의 처음 난 것이 죽을지라 
출 11:6 애굽 전국에 전무후무한 큰 곡성이 있으리라 
출 11:7 그러나 이스라엘 자손에게는 사람에게나 짐승에게나 개도 그 혀를 움직이지 않으리니 여호와가 애굽 사람과 이스라엘 사이에 구별하는 줄을 너희가 알리라 하셨나니 
출 11:8 왕이 이 모든 신하가 내게 내려와서 내게 절하며 이르기를 너와 너를 좇는 온 백성은 나가라 한 후에야 내가 나가리라 하고 심히노하여 바로에게서 나오니라 
출 11:9 여호와께서 모세에게 이르시기를 바로가 너희를 듣지 아니할찌라 그러므로 내가 애굽 땅에서 나의 기사를 더하리라 하 셨고 
출 11:10 모세와 아론이 이 모든 기사를 바로 앞에서 행하였으나 여호와께서 바로의 마음을 강퍅케 하셨으므로 그가 이스라엘 자손을 그 나라에서 보내지 아니하였더라 
Verses 4-10 The death of all the first-born in Egypt at once: this plague had been the first threatened, but is last executed. See how slow God is to wrath. The plague is foretold, the time is fixed; all their first-born should sleep the sleep of death, not silently, but so as to rouse the families at midnight. The prince was not too high to be reached by it, nor the slaves at the mill too low to be noticed. While angels slew the Egyptians, not so much as a dog should bark at any of the children of Israel. It is an earnest of the difference there shall be in the great day, between God's people and his enemies. Did men know what a difference God puts, and will put to eternity, between those that serve him and those that serve him not, religion would not seem to them an indifferent thing; nor would they act in it with so much carelessness as they do. When Moses had thus delivered his message, he went out from Pharaoh in great anger at his obstinacy; though he was the meekest of the men of the earth. The Scripture has foretold the unbelief of many who hear the gospel, that it might not be a surprise or stumbling-block to us, ( Romans 10:16 ) . Let us never think the worse of the gospel of Christ for the slights men put upon it. Pharaoh was hardened, yet he was compelled to abate his stern and haughty demands, till the Israelites got full freedom. In like manner the people of God will find that every struggle against their spiritual adversary, made in the might of Jesus Christ, every attempt to overcome him by the blood of the Lamb, and every desire to attain increasing likeness and love to that Lamb, will be rewarded by increasing freedom from the enemy of souls.

개역한글KHRV( 120일1독, 1년1독, 권별, 성경통독 )

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