02Exo3201 [LLM0311] Moses and The Golden Calf

Exodus 32
개역한글성경 (출32:01-

In another story we learned how the LORD God gave Moses the Ten Commandments. But Moses was up in the mountain for a long time, and when he didn't come back down, the people went to Aaron and said "You make us gods that will go before us, because we don't know what has become of Moses, the man that brought us out of Egypt."

And so Aaron told them to take the earrings from their wives, from their sons, and from their daughters and bring them to him. And so the people did that and brought everything to Aaron. And so Aaron made a calf out of the melted gold. And the people said that this was the god of Israel. And so Aaron built an altar and announced that the next day there would be a feast to the LORD.
And so the people got up early in the morning, and made offerings, and they ate and drank and played.

And the LORD told Moses to "Go, get down, for your people have quickly turned away from my commandments, and have made a melted calf, and have worshipped it, and made sacrifices to it, and said that it was their god. These are stubborn people, and so leave me alone so my anger will be against them, and I will make of you a great nation."

But Moses pleaded with the LORD his God, and so the LORD changed his mind about doing anything to the people of Israel.
And so Moses went down from the mountain carrying the stone tablets which had the ten commandments written on them, and they had been written by God. And Moses and Joshua heard singing as they approached the camp.

And he saw the golden calf, and the people dancing, and Moses became very angry and he threw the tablets out of his hand and broke them. And he took the calf and burned it in the fire, and ground it to powder, and mixed it with water, and made the people of Israel drink it!.

And Aaron told Moses everything that had happened, and them Moses stood up and said "WHO IS ON THE LORD'S SIDE? Let him come to me." And the sons of Levi came to Moses. And the children of Levi, according to what Moses told them, killed about three thousand men that day.

And Moses returned to the LORD, and asked the LORD to forgive the people, but the LORD told Moses that the people would be plagued by the LORD because of the golden calf.

Memory Verse: Exodus 32:26 "...Who is on the LORD's side? let him come unto me."

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