Gen2810-22 Jacob at Bethel1.jpg
01Gen2801 [LLM0209] Jacob's Ladder, and Jacob Meets His Wives
Genesis 28-29 
개역한글성경 (창28: - (창29:

One day Isaac sent Jacob to his uncle Laban, to find a wife because Rebekah  did not want Jacob to marry a woman of Canaan.  And so Jacob left his home in Beersheeba and that night, he went to sleep with some stones for a pillow.  That night Jacob had a wonderful dream, he dreamed he saw a ladder and the top reached to heaven, and there were angels going up and down on it.  And the Lord said to Jacob in his dream "I am the LORD God of Abraham your father, and the God of Isaac: and I will give you the land where you lie, to you and to your heirs."  And so Jacob woke up and said "Surely the LORD is here, and I didn't know it."

And so the next morning Jacob made his stone pillow into an altar, and he called the place Bethel.  Then Jacob continued eastward on his journey.

After awhile he saw three flocks of sheep lying by a well, and the people there told Jacob they knew the man Jacob was looking for whose name was Laban.  Just then Laban's daughter Rachel came for the sheep, and Jacob was so happy to see her, because he had found his mother's family, that he kissed her and wept and he told Rachel that he was her cousin, so she ran and told her father.

And everyone was very happy to see Jacob, they all hugged him and kissed him and brought him to their house.  And so Jacob lived with Laban for one month. 

One day Laban asked Jacob what he would like to be paid for working for him tending Laban's flocks.  Now Laban had two daughters, Leah and Rachel, and Jacob loved Rachel, and said he would work seven years for Rachel to be his wife.  And so he worked seven years for Rachel, but when time for the wedding came, Laban took Leah to Jacob instead of Rachel, and in the morning Jacob knew that he had married Leah instead.  Now in those days, the women wore a veil over their heads when they were married, so that is why Jacob didn't know that it was Leah.

Jacob was very upset because Laban had deceived him, but Laban told him that it wasn't right that the younger daughter should marry first, so that is why he gave Jacob Leah for his wife.  Then Laban told Jacob to be with Leah for one week, and after that he could marry Rachel also.  And so Jacob stayed with Leah for one week, and after that he married Rachel also.

And after some years had passed Jacob had twelve sons, and his favorite one was named Joseph, who was the son of Rachel, and Joseph was born when Jacob was very old.

Memory Verse: Genesis 29:15 "And behold, I am with thee, and will keep thee in all places whither thou goest...."


More Quiz 01Gen28, 01Gen29

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