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01Gen1701 [LLM0206] Abraham and Isaac
Genesis 17-22
개역한글성경 창17:-22:

There was a man called Abram, and when he was 99 years old,  God promised him that his wife Sarai would have a baby boy.  And God changed Abram's name to Abraham.  God also changed Sarai's name to  Sarah, and their little boy  Isaac was born when Abraham was 100 years old.

And after some years  had passed, God knew how much Abraham loved Isaac, and so he tested Abraham's faith.  He told Abraham to take Isaac and go to a place called Moriah, and offer Isaac as a sacrifice.

And so Abraham  saddled his donkey, and took two other young men, and Isaac.  He cut wood for the sacrifice, and they all went to the place called Moriah.  And when they got there, Abraham said to his young men, "You stay here with the donkey, and Isaac and I will go up and worship and return to you."  Isn't that wonderful?  Even though God told Abraham to sacrifice his son Isaac, Abraham had faith that God would let him bring Isaac back down the mountain again.

And so Abraham took the wood for the sacrifice, and let Isaac carry it, and took the fire, and a knife, and they both went up together.

And Isaac spoke to his father Abraham, and said, "My father", and Abraham answered "Here I am, my son."  And Isaac said "Here is the wood and here is the fire, but where is the lamb for the sacrifice?"

And Abraham said "My son, God will provide himself a lamb for a sacrifice:"  Abraham had great faith, he believed that God would provide a lamb for the sacrifice.

And they came to the place which God had told him; and Abraham built an altar there, and laid the wood on it, and tied up Isaac his son, and laid him on the altar upon the wood.  And Abraham lifted up his hand, and took the knife to kill his son.  And the angel of the LORD called him out of heaven and said ABRAHAM! ABRAHAM!..... and Abraham said "Here I am".

And the angel of the LORD said "Do not lay your hand upon your son, and do not do anything to him, for now I know that you fear God, seeing that you  have not kept your son,  from me.

And Abraham looked, and right behind him there was a ram caught in a thicket by his horns: and Abraham went and got the ram, and offered him up for the sacrifice instead of Isaac.  Isn't that wonderful?  Abraham's faith was very great, and God spared Isaac, and do you know what?  Because God knows everything, God knew that he would provide the ram for the offering.....

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