Gen1806-08 Abraham feeds three guests.jpg
01Gen1801 Three Travellers Visit Abraham
One hot day Abraham was sitting in the doorway of his tent looking out over the plains of Mamre. In the distance he saw three men travelling by. Abraham ran to meet them. He asked them to come to his place to wash their dusty feet, rest, and have something to eat.

The three men agreed to this and went with Abraham and sat under a tree. Abraham rushed into his tent and asked Sarah to make bread, and then went out into his herd and picked a nice tender calf. He asked one of his male servants to prepare the meat along with butter and milk for the three travellers. Then he went back to the three men to talk with them while they waited.

One of them asked Abraham where his wife, Sarah, was. Abraham told them she was in the tent. The traveller then told Abraham that in about nine months Sarah would have a baby boy.

Sarah heard this from in the tent. How can I, now that I am old and passed the time for having children, have a child she thought. She thought it so silly that she laughed.

The Lord then asked Abraham why Sarah laughed? Why she said she was too old? Is anything too hard for the Lord? He then repeated that Sarah would have a son in about nine months.

Sarah became afraid. She said that she had not laughed, but the Lord knew what she had done, and told her so.

Having eaten their meal and rested the travellers arose and started toward Sodom. Abraham went with them to help show them the way.

As they walked the Lord said "Shall I hide from Abraham what I am going to do? Abraham will surely become a great and mighty nation. I know that he will teach his children and household in the ways of the Lord, to do justice and judgment." Then He told Abraham what they were going to do. Because it was said that of the people of Sodom and all the cities of the plain were very wicked, they were going down to the city of Sodom to see for themselves.

With this the two men that were with the Lord turned and went to Sodom, while the Lord stood with Abraham. Abraham asked if the Lord would destroy the good people with the bad. Saying if there were fifty good people in Sodom, would the Lord destroy it. The Lord told him that if he found fifty good people in Sodom He would spare the city for their sake.

Abraham then asked the Lord if there were forty good people in Sodom would He destroy it. He said He wouldn't for forty good people. Abraham then asked if thirty, then twenty good people were found in Sodom would the Lord destroy it. The Lord said He would not. Abraham then asked the Lord not to be angry with him, but if He only found 10 good people in Sodom would He destroy it. The Lord promised Abraham that if He should find ten good people in that city, He would not destroy it.

The Lord went his way and Abraham returned to his tent. What was going to happen? Would the Lord find ten good people in Sodom? Surely, out of such a large city filled with so many people there would be ten good ones. Shouldn't there? Oh, how Abraham hoped so. He has pleaded with the Lord. He had brought the number from fifty all the way down to ten. But would that be enough? All Abraham could do now was wait and see.

(Genesis 18:1-33. Abrahamstory)

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