Gen2701-29 Rebekah and Jacob deceive Isaac into giving the blessing to Jacob.jpg
Jacob Tricks Isaac
Isaac was growing old, and he could not see well. He thought he was going to die soon, and called Esau to him to give him the birthright blessing.

Isaac asked Esau to take his quiver and bow, go out into the field and kill a deer. Then bring it back and make up some savoury meat which he loved, and then he would give Esau the birthright blessing.

Esau did as his father asked him, but Rebekah overheard what Isaac was planning to do. She did not think it was right. Rebekah thought Jacob should receive the birthright blessing.

Rebekah hurried to find Jacob. She told him what was going on, then gave him some instructions. He was to kill two baby goats and bring them to her to make up some savoury meat that Isaac loved. He was to then take it to his father to eat and receive the birthright blessing.

Jacob thought this would never work. Esau was hairy. Jacob was not. Their voices sounded quite different too. But Rebekah insisted that Jacob do as she said and she would take responsibility for any trouble that came about.

Jacob did what his mother said and killed two kids, baby goats. Rebekah dress the meat, and tied the skins of the kids on Jacob's hands and neck. She also took some of Esau's clothes and dressed Jacob in them. Jacob then took the meat into Isaac his father.

Isaac asked who he was. He said that he was Esau, the firstborn, and that he had done what Isaac had asked. He told Isaac to arise and eat the venison, then bless him.

Isaac asked his son how he could have found the deer and cooked it up so quickly. Jacob pretending to be Esau said that the Lord helped him. Isaac was not totally convinced so he asked Jacob to come closer so that he could feel him. Jacob went near to his father, and Isaac felt him. Isaac said that the hands were that of Esau but the voice was that of Jacob. But he did not realise that he was being tricked.

Isaac ate the meat that Jacob had brought in for him. Then he blessed Jacob with the birthright blessing. Isaac asked that God would always bless Jacob with plenty of due, good soil and harvests. That people would serve and bow down to him, even his brother.

As soon as Isaac had finished blessing Jacob, and Jacob had barely left his tent, Esau came in bringing savoury venison. He asked Isaac to arise and eat the venison that he had prepared, and then bless him.

Isaac asked who he was. Esau said that he was Isaac's son, the firstborn, Esau. Isaac began to shake, and asked who was he that had just brought him venison and received the birthright blessing?

At this Esau started to cry bitterly. He asked his father to bless him too. He had sold the birthright to Jacob, and now Jacob had stolen the birthright blessing as well. Was there not something left for him.

Isaac sadly told Esau that he had made him and all his descendants, the servants of Jacob. Esau hated Jacob for tricking his father into giving him the blessing and said that he would kill Jacob after their father had died.

Rebekah heard what Esau planned to do, and went in to Isaac. She told him that she was tired of Esau's wives, and what would she do if Jacob also married a Canaanite woman. So Isaac called for Jacob. He told Jacob to promise not to take a wife from among the Canaanite women, but to go to where his mother came from and take a wife from Laban's daughters.

So Jacob packed up and left for the place where Laban lived.

Esau realised that his father did not approve of his Canaanite wives, so he went unto Ishmael and married one of his daughters named Mahalath.

It never pays to tell a lie. Once you tell a lie you must tell another, and another to cover up the first lie. Not only will all these lies catch up with you, but they can cause you many troubles, just like it did for Jacob and Rebekah.

(Genesis 27:1-46; 28:1-10. Jacobstory)

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