개역한글성경 구약. , , , , , , , 룻, 삼상, 삼하, 왕상, 왕하, 대상, 대하, , 느, , 욥, , 잠, , 아, , 렘, , 겔, , 호, , 암, , 욘, , 나, , 습, , 슥,

▶ 티그리스-유프라테스계곡
The Tigris-Euphrates Valley
by Wayne Blank

The Tigris-Euphrates Valley region, much of which is known today as Iraq, has been in the news for a very long time. You might say that it has been making headlines right from "Day 1" - 《The Garden Of Eden》, where Adam and Eve were placed at the beginning of Bible History (see also 《The Creation Of Adam And Eve》), was somewhere in the area of those two rivers (Genesis 2:10-14).

After 《The Flood》, the region was first ruled and developed by 《Nimrod》, "the mighty hunter before The Lord" (Genesis 10:8-12). Among the numerous cities of his kingdom were Nineveh and Babylon, 2 names that would be prominent in the history of Israel.

The Tower of Babel (Genesis 11:1-9) was constructed in the region - Babel takes its name from Babylon.

《Abraham》 was born and lived much of his life in 《Ur Of The Chaldees》 (Genesis 11:28), which was located near the Euphrates River approximately 200 miles (320 kilometers) southeast of the Iraq's modern capital city of Baghdad.

《Nineveh》, located on the Tigris River, was the capital of the Assyrian empire (see 《Ancient Empires - Assyria》). The Assyrians conquered the northern kingdom of Israel, and transported the "Lost Ten Tribes" (see 《Children of Jacob》 and 《The Tribes Of Israel》) into exile, never to return (2 Kings 17:21-23).

Babylon, located on the Euphrates River, was the capital of the Babylonian empire. The Babylonians conquered the southern kingdom of Judah, destroyed the original Temple at 《Jerusalem》, and carried the people of Judah away into the Babylonian exile (2 Chronicles 36:15-20) (《Why Babylon?》 and 《Temple Mount Treasures》). They remained there until the Babylonian empire fell to the Persians (see 《Ancient Empires - Persia》 and 《Daniel's Statue》), who allowed The Chosen People to return to the land of Israel (2 Chronicles 36:20-23)

Fact Finder: What was the name of the last King of Judah when Jerusalem fell to the Babylonians? What was the name of the Babylonian king who conquered Judah and destroyed the first Temple?
2 Kings 25:1

See also Kings of Israel and Judah and King Nebuchadnezzar

개역한글성경 신약. , , , , , 롬, 고전, 고후, , 엡, , 골, 살전, 살후, 딤전, 딤후, , 몬, , 약, 벧전, 벧후, 요일, 요이, 요삼, 유,