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Notice 공지 성경 속 전쟁 연대기 (The War Chronicles in the B... 파일
37789 2 2019-03-05
Notice 공지 TIDWELL BIBLE 21 연대표
71259 1 2016-12-14
Notice 공지 Dictionary for NT 신약성경 백과사전 연구 파일
87278 1 2016-02-21
Notice 공지 Dictionary for OT 구약성경 백과사전 연구 파일
87536 1 2016-02-21
Notice 공지 성경백과사전 권별.장별[Chapter] 관련내용보기 파일
85526 1 2015-05-04
33 Map-L 기브온(Gibeon) 파일
1603   2019-03-13
Map- 기브온(Gibeon) Samaria Apollonia Antipatris Joppa Jordan River Jabbok River Arnon River Beersheba Bethlehem Dead Sea Gaza Hebron Hormah Jericho Jerusalem Judea Mount Nebo Raphia Zoar .
32 Map-L 가이사랴 (Caesarea) 파일
1047   2019-03-12
Map- 가이사랴 (Caesarea) Apollonia Arnon River Bethlehem Caesarea Cana Capernaum Dead Sea Galilee Gaza Hebron Jabbok River Jericho Jerusalem Joppa Jordan River Judea Lake Huleh Masada Nazareth Raphia Samaria Scythopolis Sea of Galilee Shechem Yarmuk River Zoar
31 Map-L 이스라엘(Israel) 파일
1354   2019-03-11
Map- 이스라엘(Israel) Apollonia Arnon River Bethlehem Caesarea Cana Capernaum Dead Sea Galilee Gaza Hebron Jabbok River Jericho Jerusalem Joppa Jordan River Judea Lake Huleh Masada Nazareth Raphia Samaria Scythopolis Sea of Galilee Shechem Yarmuk River Zoar .
30 대해, 서해, 바다, 염해, 홍해(Sea.)
2208   2016-04-02
▶ 대해, 서해, 바다, 염해, 홍해 Sea. The seas referred to in scripture are: 1. THE MEDITERRANEAN, under the names of 'the great sea,' Num. 34:6, 7; Ezek. 48:28; 'the uttermost sea,' or 'the hinder sea,' Deut. 11:24; Zech. 14:8; 'the sea of Joppa,' Ezra 3:7; 'sea of the Philistines,' Ex. 23:31. (민34:6-7; 서편 경계는 대해가 경계가 되나니 이는 너희의 서편 경계니라 북편 경계는 이러하니 대해에서부터 호르산까지 긋고 (겔48:28; 갓 지계 다음으로 남편 지계는 다말에서부터 므리바가데스 물에 이르고 애굽 시내를 따라 대해에 이르나니 (신11:24; 너희의 발바닥으로 밟는 곳은 다 너희 소유가 되리니 너희의 경계는 곧 광야에서부터 레바논까지와 유브라데 하수라 하는 하수에서 서해까지라 (슥14:8; 그 날에 생수가 예루살렘에서 솟아나서 절반은 동해로, 절반은 서해로 흐를 것이라 여름에도 겨울에도 그러하리라 (스03:7; 이에 석수와 목수에게 돈을 주고 또 시돈 사람과 두로 사람에게 먹을 것과 마실 것과 기름을 주고 바사 왕 고레스의 조서대로 백향목을 레바논에서 욥바 해변까지 수운하게 하였더라 (출23:31. 내가 너의 지경을 홍해에서부터 블레셋 바다까지, 광야에서부터 하수까지 정하고 그 땅의 거민을 네 손에 붙이리니 네가 그들을 네 앞에서 쫓아낼찌라 The 'SEA OF CILICIA AND PAMPHYLIA,' Acts 27:5, is the N.E. corner of the Mediterranean Sea. (행27:5, 길리기아와 밤빌리아 바다를 건너 루기아의 무라성에 이르러 2. THE SALT SEA, Num. 34:3, 12; also called 'the east sea,' Ezek. 47:18; Joel 2:20; 'the former sea,' Zech. 14:8; 'the sea of the plain,' Deut. 3:17; Joshua 3:16; Joshua 12:3; 2 Kings 14:25. See SALT SEA (민34:3,12, (겔47:18 (욜02:20; (슥14:8 (신03:17, (수03:16, (수12:3, (수15:2,5, (수18:19 (왕하14:25. 3. THE RED SEA, Ex. 10:19; Ps. 106:7, 9, 22; Heb. 11:29; also called 'the Egyptian sea,' Isa. 11:15. See RED SEA. (출10:19; (시106:7, 9, 22; (히11:29; (사11:15. 4. THE SEA OF GALILEE, Mark 1:16; also called the 'Sea of Tiberias,' John 21:1; the 'Sea of Chinnereth,' Num. 34:11; Joshua 12:3; Joshua 13:27; the 'Lake of Gennesaret,' Luke 5:1. See GALILEE, SEA OF. (막01:16; (요21:1; (민34:11; (수12:3; (수13:27; (눅05:1. 5. SEA OF JAZER, a small lake in Gilead, now represented by some ponds, near where Jazer stood. Jer. 48:32. (렘48:32. --- Morrish Bible Dictionary
29 TIDWELL- From the Ascension to The Church at A...
2285   2015-04-29
From the Ascension to The Church at Antioch. Acts Chs. 1-12. The Book of Acts. The book of Acts is the only purely historical book of the New Testament. It is as a continuation of the gospel of Luke. It follows the fortunes of the infant church and gives us all the light we have in regard to its further organization and development, but it does not claim to be a complete history of the work of the early church. As a history it is as remarkable for what it omits as for what it narrates. The central theme is the triumph and progress of the gospel in spite of all the opposition and persecution which its advocates met. The chief purpose seems to be to show the progress of Christianity among the Gentiles and only so much of the work among the Jews is given as will authenticate the other. The whole book falls into three sections: (1) The church at work in Jerusalem, chs. 1-7. (2) The church at work in Palestine, chs, 8-12. (3) The church at work among the Gentiles, chs. 13-28. The material of the period which we are now to study includes the first two points and should be read in connection with the following outline: I. The church at work in Jerusalem, chs. 1-7. 1. Preparation for witnessing, 1:1-2:4. Under this there is given: (1) Christ's last instructions and ascension and (2) The church in the upper room including the election of Matthias and the coming of the Holy Spirit. 2. The first witnessing. Here are given 2:5-47: (1) The first witnessing, (2) the first message, (3) the first fruit of the witnessing. 3. The first persecution 3:1-4:31. Here we have the first persecution and the occasion for it. 4. The Blessed state of the church, 4:32-5 end There is great love and unity and God indorses their work by the destruction of Ananias and his wife and by the release of apostles from prison. 5. The first deacons, 6:1-7. 6. The first martyr 6:8-7 end. II. The church at work in Palestine, chs. 8-12. 1. Witnesses scattered, 8:1-4. 2. Philip witnesses in Samaria and Judea, 8:5-40. 3. The Lord wins new witnesses, 9:1-11:18. (1) Saul. (2) Aeneas, etc. (3) Dorcas, Mary, etc. (4) Cornelius. 4. Center of labor changed to Antioch, 11:19 end. 5. The witnesses triumph over Herod's persecution, ch. 12. The Principle Events of this Period. Many things which on the surface seem to be of little importance, contributed much toward shaping the destiny of the early church. The following, however, should be remembered as the great outstanding events of the time. (1) The ascension with the incidents connected with it. (2) The Baptism of the Holy Ghost with the consequent sermon of Peter and its results. (3) The first persecution of the Apostles, with Peter's sermon and the measures taken by the Sanhedrin to stop the movement. (4) The punishment of Ananias and his wife. (5) The appointment of the first deacons. (6) The martyrdom of Steven. (7) The work of Philip in Samaria and the conversion of the Eunuch. (8) The conversion of Saul of Tarshish. (9) The conversion of Cornelius with connected events. (10) The church's acknowledgement of the validity of this work among the Gentiles, Acts 11:18. (11) The great work at Antioch. (12) The martyrdom of James and the death of Herod. The Organization and Control of the Early Church. Jesus had set up his church and left it his final commission. Its organization was a matter of growth and was increased only as new conditions arose that made it necessary to the success and efficiency of their work. They elected, at the suggestion of Peter, Matthias to take the place of Judas as one of their witnesses. When conditions arose that threatened the success of their work, they elected deacons to assist the apostles in caring for the more temporal work of the church. In it all it is clear that the church as a whole transacted the business. The Apostles no doubt had a very good influence but did not assume to dictate to the church what did not "please the whole multitude" (Acts 6:5). All responsibility was put upon the church as a democratic and self-governing body. The Persecutions of the Church. In the persecutions which Jesus suffered the Pharisees took the lead, but the opposition met by the early disciples was led by the Sadducees. This was because of the doctrine of the resurrection, preached by the apostles. The persecutions deepened and widened very rapidly. (1) They were given public hearing, commanded not to teach in Jesus' name and after threatening were let go. (2) They were released without punishment only by the appeal of Gamaliel, a doctor of the law. (3) On account of the universal aspect of Christianity, preached by Steven, the Pharisees joined the Sadducees in opposing the Christians and their joint persecution led to the death of Steven and the scattering of the disciples from Jerusalem, 6:8-8:3. (4) The Romans who for the most part had been indifferent to the movement also joined the Sanhedrin in the attempt to suppress the brethren. Accordingly Herod Agrippa, hoping to gain the good will of the Jews, seized the apostle James and put him to death and seeing that this made him popular seized Peter and would have destroyed him but for divine intervention. In spite of all this persecution these early Christians made wonderful progress. They were unmoved in their purpose to establish their faith. They went everywhere preaching the gospel of the kingdom. They openly declared that they would not refrain from preaching what they conceived to be their duty to God. They boldly threw their doctrine into the teeth of their antagonists. Such courage was something new in the history of the Jews. They even "rejoiced that they were counted worthy to suffer dishonor for his name." Their Growth and Influence. The courage already mentioned could not fail to bear fruit. The second chapter tells of three thousand, added to them in one day and then of others day by day. In chapter five it is said a multitude of believers both men and women added to them. Chapter six says that "the disciples multiplied in Jerusalem exceedingly; and a great company of the priests were obedient to the faith." The priests were for the moat part Sadducees and the fact that many of these who had been active in arresting the disciples now came to accept their teaching is highly significant touching the matters of their success. Extension of the Gospel to the Gentiles. One of the most interesting topics for study found in the records of this period is the way in which Christians gradually extended into the borders of the Gentiles. Many questions were raised that had to be solved-questions that had not been before raised among the followers of Jesus. (1) Philip went into Samaria and many of these half-bred Jews believed. Here he was following the steps of Jesus who had also met with success and introduced his teachings before going outside to those in no wise akin to the Jews. (2) Peter and John were sent to Samaria and not only approved the work of Philip but bestowed upon these Samaritans the Holy Spirit and themselves preached to many Samaritan villages. (3) Peter made a tour of certain Judean villages and came down to Joppa where he lodged with a tanner and would, according to Jewish law, have been unclean. This tends to show that he was coming to see that the ceremonial distinctions of the Levites were not so binding. (4) Peter preached to Cornelius a Gentile and he and his household received the Holy Ghost and baptism and spake with tongues. (5) Having heard Peter's explanation of his course the church glorified God and acknowledged that God had granted repentance and life to the Gentiles. (6) Paul the chosen vessel to bear the Gospel to the Gentiles was saved. (7) The work spread to Antioch of Syria and Barnabas was sent to investigate it and soon went to Cilicia and brought Paul to Antioch and the two labored there a year, then made a visit to Jerusalem to carry gifts to the poor and returned to Antioch bringing John Mark. This period closes with them still at Antioch. The Teachings of this Period. (1) Men can succeed in any right cause in spite of opposition. (2) Popularity is not required to give one success as a Christian work. (3) Small numbers are not a sign of weakness and do not foretoken defeat. (4) The gospel truth, courageously preached, can win its way into the hardest hearts. (3) Consciousness of duty, divinely imposed is the most powerful stimulus to action. For Study and Discussion. (1) The Great Commission, ch. 1. (2) Peter's sermon on the day of Pentecost. (3) Stephen's address of defense. (4) The liberality of these Christians or their provision for the poor. (5) The place of prayer in the work of these disciples. (6) The references to the Holy Spirit and his work. (7) The teachings of the period concerning Jesus. (8) Concerning the resurrection. (9) All the events, persecutions, teachings, etc., mentioned above. THE BIBLE PERIOD BY PERIOD - J. B. TIDWELL 초대교회시대 - 13BiblePeriod
28 Map-L 다소(Tarsus) 파일
1529   2011-07-24
Map- 다소(Tarsus) Antioch Caesarea Cyprus Dead sea Egypt Jerusalem Joppa Mediterranean Sea Nazareth Paphos Salamis Sea of Galilee Sidon Tarsus Turkey Tyre .
27 Map-L 솔로몬 왕국(Solomon's Kingdom) 파일
4781   2011-07-24
Map- 솔로몬 왕국(Solomon's Kingdom) Ammon Aram (Syria) Arabian Desert Beersheba Cyprus Damascus Edom Egypt Elath Euphrates River Gulf of Aqaba Gulf of Suez Hamath Hittites Moab Mount Carmel Mount Sinai Mediterranean Sea Midian Negeb Desert Palmyra Petra Red Sea Salamis Sidon Sinai Peninsula Tarsus Tiphash Turkey Tyre Ugarit . Apollonia Arnon River Bethlehem Caesarea Cana Capernaum Dead Sea Galilee Gaza Hebron Jabbok River Jericho Jerusalem Joppa Jordan River Judea Lake Huleh Masada Nazareth Raphia Samaria Scythopolis Sea of Galilee Shechem Yarmuk River Zoar .
26 Map-L 세겜(Shechem) 파일
4209   2011-07-24
Map- 세겜(Shechem) Arnon River Beersheba Bethel Bethlehem Dead Sea Dor Galilee Gaza Hebron Jabbok River Jericho Jerusalem Jezreel Joppa Jordan River Judea Masada Mediterranean Sea Mount Nebo Raphia Samaria Shechem Sea of Galilee Tirzah Yarmuk River Zoar
25 Map-L 느보산(Mount Nebo) 파일
3298   2011-07-24
Map- 느보산(Mount Nebo) Apollonia Arnon River Bethlehem Caesarea Cana Capernaum Dead Sea Galilee Gaza Hebron Jabbok River Jericho Jerusalem Joppa Jordan River Judea Lake Huleh Masada Nazareth Raphia Samaria Scythopolis Sea of Galilee Shechem Yarmuk River Zoar
24 Map-L 라기스(Lachish) 파일
9215   2011-07-24
Map- 라기스(Lachish) Samaria Apollonia Antipatris Joppa Jordan River Jabbok River Arnon River Beersheba Bethlehem Dead Sea Gaza Hebron Hormah Jericho Jerusalem Judea Mount Nebo Raphia Zoar .
23 Map-L 유대(Judea) in the time of Jesus Christ 파일
1336   2011-07-24
Map- 유대(Judea) in the time of Jesus Christ Apollonia Arnon River Bethlehem Caesarea Cana Capernaum Dead Sea Galilee Gaza Hebron Jabbok River Jericho Jerusalem Joppa Jordan River Judea Lake Huleh Masada Nazareth Raphia Samaria Scythopolis Sea of Galilee Shechem Yarmuk River Zoar .
22 Map-L 요단강(Jordan River) 파일
6570   2011-07-24
Map- 요단강(Jordan River) Apollonia Arnon River Bethlehem Caesarea Cana Capernaum Dead Sea Galilee Gaza Hebron Jabbok River Jericho Jerusalem Joppa Jordan River Judea Lake Huleh Masada Nazareth Raphia Samaria Scythopolis Sea of Galilee Shechem Yarmuk River Zoar .
21 Map-L 이스르엘(Jezreel) 파일
3336   2011-07-24
Map- 이스르엘(Jezreel) Acco Bethsaida Cadasa Caesarea Phillipi Cana Capernaum Chorazin Dora Jordan River Magdala Mediterranean Sea Mount Carmel Nain Nazareth Sea of Galilee Sogane Thella Tiberias Tyre Yarmuk River Caesarea Narbata Ginae Jordan River Samaria Apollonia Shechem Jabbok River Joppa .
20 Map-L 예수의 여정(The World Of Jesus Christ) 파일
1488   2011-07-24
Map- The World Of Jesus Christ 1. Bethlehem 2. Nazareth 3. Capernaum (The Fisher Peter) 4. The Sea Of Galilee 5. The Jordan River (The Jordan Valley, John The Baptist) 6. The Dead Sea 7. Jerusalem (The Fateful Night, Calvary, Kidron Valley, The Garden Tomb, The Mount Of Olives) 8. Galilee 9. Samaria 10. Tyre 11. Magdala (Mary of Magdala) 12. Armageddon 13. Beersheba 14. Hebron 15. The Decapolis 16. The Mediterranean Sea 17. Bethel 18. Joppa 19. Lebanon 20. Mount Carmel 21. Mount Gilboa 22. The Negev
19 Map-L 갈릴리(Galilee) 파일
1524   2011-07-24
Map- 갈릴리(Galilee) Acco Bethsaida Cadasa Caesarea Phillipi Cana Capernaum Chorazin Dora Jordan River Magdala Mediterranean Sea Mount Carmel Nain Nazareth Sea of Galilee Sogane Thella Tiberias Tyre Yarmuk River Caesarea Narbata Ginae Jordan River Samaria Apollonia Shechem Jabbok River Joppa .
18 Map-L 엔게디(Engedi) 파일
1380   2011-07-24
Map- 엔게디(Engedi) Samaria Apollonia Antipatris Joppa Jordan River Jabbok River Arnon River Beersheba Bethlehem Dead Sea Gaza Hebron Hormah Jericho Jerusalem Judea Mount Nebo Raphia Zoar .
17 Map-L 에발산(Mount Ebal) 파일
2658   2011-07-24
Map- 에발산(Mount Ebal) Apollonia Arnon River Bethlehem Caesarea Cana Capernaum Dead Sea Galilee Gaza Hebron Jabbok River Jericho Jerusalem Joppa Jordan River Judea Lake Huleh Masada Nazareth Raphia Samaria Scythopolis Sea of Galilee Shechem Yarmuk River Zoar .
16 Map-L 도단(Dothan) 파일
2143   2011-07-24
Map- 도단(Dothan) Apollonia Arnon River Bethlehem Caesarea Cana Capernaum Dead Sea Galilee Gaza Hebron Jabbok River Jericho Jerusalem Joppa Jordan River Judea Lake Huleh Masada Nazareth Raphia Samaria Scythopolis Sea of Galilee Shechem Yarmuk River Zoar .
15 Map- 데가볼리(Decapolis) 파일
7534   2011-07-24
Map- 데가볼리(Decapolis) Damascus Canatha Dion Hippus Raphana Gadara Scythopolis Pella Gerasa Philadelphia Arnon River Beersheba Caesarea Philippi Capernaum Dead Sea Galilee Jabbok River Jerusalem Joppa Jordan River Judea Mediterranean Sea Nazareth Samaria Sea of Galilee Tyre Yarmuk River
14 Map-L 구브로(Cyprus) 파일
3259   2011-07-24
Map- 구브로(Cyprus) Antioch Caesarea Cyprus Dead sea Egypt Jerusalem Joppa Mediterranean Sea Nazareth Paphos Salamis Sea of Galilee Sidon Tarsus Turkey Tyre .
13 Map-L 벧엘(Bethel) 파일
1422   2011-07-24
Map- 벧엘(Bethel) Ai Apollonia Arnon River Bethlehem Caesarea Cana Capernaum Dead Sea Galilee Gaza Hebron Jabbok River Jericho Jerusalem Joppa Jordan River Judea Lake Huleh Masada Nazareth Raphia Samaria Scythopolis Sea of Galilee Shechem Yarmuk River Zoar .
12 Map-L 아스돗(Ashdod) 파일
3527   2011-07-24
Map- 아스돗(Ashdod) Samaria Apollonia Antipatris Joppa Jordan River Jabbok River Arnon River Beersheba Bethlehem Dead Sea Gaza Hebron Hormah Jericho Jerusalem Judea Mount Nebo Raphia Zoar . lt=31.802&ln=34.635
11 Map-L 아랏(Arad) 파일
1607   2011-07-24
Map- 아랏(Arad) Samaria Apollonia Antipatris Joppa Jordan River Jabbok River Arnon River Beersheba Bethlehem Dead Sea Gaza Hebron Hormah Jericho Jerusalem Judea Mount Nebo Raphia Zoar . Num 21:1, Num 33:40, Josh 12:14, Judg 1:16 lt=31.281&ln=35.126
10 욥바(Joppa) Map 파일
4385 32 2007-01-02
▶ 욥바(Joppa) 뜻:아름답다 예루살렘 서북쪽 약 55km지점 지중해 안에 있는 항구 도시 (1) 솔로몬이 성전 건축에 쓰인 레바논의 백향목은 뗏목으로 이 항구에 운반 되었다(대하02:16, (스03:7). (2) 요나가 이 항구 에서 다시스로 가는 배를 탔다(욘01:3). (3) 기독교가 예루살렘에서 사방으로 퍼지자 욥바는 기독교의 중요한 중심지 기 되었다. 베드로가 이곳에서 이방인 전도를 시작하여 도르가를 살렸다 (행09:36-42). (4) 또 피장이 시몬의 집에 있을 때 고넬료의 하인들이 찾아 왔다(행10:5-8) 욥바는, 20세기에 들어와서 새롭게 하이파 항구가 발전하면서 서서히 그 기능을 잃는다. 주민들도 비좁은 욥바 시내에서 벗어나서 그 북쪽으로 신시가지를 이루며 옮겨 간다. 신시가지는 '봄의 언덕' 이라는 뜻을 가진 텔아비브라고 새로이 이름지어진다. 텔아비브는 순수한 유태인들의 도시로써 이스라엘 건국 후 급속히 인구가 증가한 도시이다. (수19:46, (대하02:16, (스03:7, (욘01:3, (행09:36, (행10:5, (행11:5 lt=32.05351&ln=34.75042

성경연대표 1.창조 2.족장 3.출애굽 4.광야 5.정복 6.사사 7.통일왕국 8.분열왕국 9.포로 10.포로귀환 11.중간 12.예수 13.초대교회 14.세계선교 관련그림.지도 1.창조 2.족장 3.출애굽 4.광야 5.정복 6.사사 7.통일왕국 8.분열왕국 9.포로 10.포로귀환 11.중간 12.예수 13.초대교회 Ani
1창세기[Genesis] 2출애굽기[Exodus] 3레위기[Leviticus] 4민수기[Numbers] 5신명기[Deuteronomy] 6여호수아[Joshua] 7사사기[Judges] 8룻기[Ruth] 9사무엘상[I Samuel] 10사무엘하[II Samuel] 11열왕기상[I Kings] 12열왕기하[II Kings] 13역대상[I Chronicles] 14역대하[II Chronicles] 15에스라[Ezra] 16느헤미아[Nehemiah] 17에스더[Esther] 18욥기[Job] 19시편[Psalms] 20잠언[Proverbs] 21전도서[Ecclesiastes] 22아가[Song of Solomon] 23이사야[Isaiah] 24예레미야[Jeremiah] 5예레미아애가[Lamentations] 26에스겔[Ezekiel] 27다니엘[Daniel] 28호세아[Hosea] 29요엘[Joel] 30아모스[Amos] 31오바댜[Obadiah] 32요나[Jonah] 33미가[Micah] 34나훔[Nahum] 35하박국[Habakkuk] 36스바냐[Zephaniah] 37학개[Haggai] 38스가랴[Zechariah] 39말라기[Malachi] 40마태복음[Matthew] 41마가복음[Mark] 42누가복음[Luke] 43요한복음[John] 44사도행전[Acts] 45로마서[Romans] 46고린도전서[I Corinthians] 47고린도후서[II Corinthians] 48갈라디아서[Galatians] 49에베소서[Ephesians] 50빌립보서[Philippians] 51골로새서[Colossians] 52데살로니가전서[I Thessalonian] 53데살로니가후서[2 Thessalonian] 54디모데전서[I Timothy] 55디모데후서[II Timothy] 56디도서[Titus] 57빌레몬서[Philemon] 58히브리서[Hebrews] 59야고보서[James] 60베드로전서[I Peter] 61베드로후서[II Peter] 62요한일서[I John] 63요한이서[II John] 64요한삼서[III John] 65유다서[Jude] 66요한계시록[Revelation]