▶ 야곱의 우물(Jacobs-well)

사마리아도 수가성 아스갈 촌에서 서남 반마일 지점.

(1) 세겜에서 동쪽으로 1마일 지점에 있다. 야곱이 하몰의 아들에게서 산 밭을 판 우물인데 광이 9척, 깊이75척이다(창33:19, (요04:5).

(2) 예수님이 갈릴리를 가시는 길에 사마리아도를 통과하시다가 우물 곁에서 한 여인을 만나 영원히 목마르지 않는 생수의 원리를 가르치셨다 (요04:13-14).

▶ 야곱의 우물 Jacob's Well. 

In the valley of Shechem, near to a city called Sychar, was the well where the Lord rested, and conversed with the woman of Samaria. John 4:5-12. (요04:05-12) It is identified with Bir Yakub, at the base of Gerizim, and is one of the few spots in Palestine the identification of which has not been disputed.

The well is cut out of the solid limestone, 7ft. 6in. in diameter, and is 115 feet deep. The well's mouth is below the surface of the ground and is covered with a stone with a hole in the centre. A traveller, John of Wurzburg (A.D. 1160-1170), says that when he visited the well a church was then being erected over it; but that has long since been destroyed and a Russian Orthodox Church built over it, though unfinished due to the Communist Revolution of 1917.  See SYCHAR.

--- Morrish Bible Dictionary

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