▶ 아히마아스(Ahimaaz)

뜻:형제가 분노함

[1] 사울왕의 처 아히노암의 부친(삼상14:50).

[2] 제사장 사독의 아들로서 아비아달의 아들 요나단과 같이 압살롬 반란시에 다윗의 스파이로 활약함(삼하15:27-28). 압살롬의 사자가 추격하여 올 때 도망하여 바후림에 이르자 한 여자가우물 속에 숨겨주어 화를 면하고 적정을 다윗에게 보고하였다(삼하17:15-21).

[3] 납달리에 사는 솔로몬 (딸 바스맛) 왕의 사위로 왕의 식사를 맡은 관원이 되었다(왕상04:15).  



Ahimaaz. [Ahi'maaz]

1.  Father of Ahinoam, wife of Saul. 1 Sam. 14:50.

2.  Son of Zadok the priest. 2 Sam. 15:27, 36. When Absalom revolted and David had to flee from Jerusalem, Zadok continuing true to David, returned to the city, and Ahimaaz, and Jonathan son of Abiathar, remained at En-rogel; to whom Zadok sent word of the counsel of Ahithophel and of Hushai by a 'wench,' and they hastened to David with the news. But a lad having seen the transaction, messengers were sent in pursuit. The spies however reached a house in Bahurim, and were hid in a well, corn being spread over the covering. Their pursuers were told that they had gone on their way. So they having searched for them in vain returned to Jerusalem. The spies then hastened to David, and reached him in safety. 2 Sam. 17:17-21. On the defeat and death of Absalom, Ahimaaz begged that he might run with the news to David. Joab at first refused; but after Cushi had started, he allowed Ahimaaz to go also; who, being swift of foot, reached David first and told him of the defeat of Absalom, but let Cushi tell of his death. 2 Sam. 18:19-29. We have no evidence of Ahimaaz succeeding to the priesthood. He may have died before his father.

3.  An officer of Solomon in Naphtali who married Basmath, daughter of Solomon. 1 Kings 4:15.

--- Morrish Bible Dictionary


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