▶ 아도니야(Adonijah)

뜻:여호와는 주

[1] 다윗의 네쟤 아들로서 학깃의 아들(삼하03:4).
형 압살롬이 죽具 왕위 계승 문제로 솔로몬과 다투었다.
요압 장군과 아비아달 제사장이 아도니야를 지원했으나 결국 나단은 밧세바를 시켜 다윗으로 하여금 솔로몬을 계승자로 임명.

아도니야는 일시에 목숨을 건졌으나 결국 죽임을 당했다(왕상01:5-(왕상02:25).

[2] 여호사밧 3년에 율법 교사로 유대 각처에 파송된 레위 사람(대하17:8).

[3] 느혜미야와 같이 맹약에 날인한 제사장중의 한 사람(느10:16).


Adonijah. [Adoni'jah]

1.  Fourth son of David by Haggith, born at Hebron. 2 Sam. 3:4. He was apparently the oldest of David's sons at the close of David's life, and may have supposed that he would succeed to the throne; but without consulting his father he said, "I will be king," and both Joab and Abiathar helped him. David at once proclaimed Solomon as king. Adonijah ran in fear to the horns of the altar, but Solomon promised if he showed himself a worthy man he should not be hurt. He afterwards asked to have as wife Abishag with whom David had shared his bed. According to Herodotus (3. 68) this was in eastern countries considered as a pretension to the crown, which agrees with Solomon saying, 'Ask for him the kingdom also,' and explains also the advice given by Ahithophel to Absalom, to go in publicly to his father's wives. Adonijah was at once put to death. 1 Kings 2:19-25.

2.  Levite in the time of Jehoshaphat. 2 Chr. 17:8. 

3.  One who sealed the covenant in Neh. 10:16.

--- Morrish Bible Dictionary


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