▶ 가이오(Gaius)

뜻 : 기뻐하다, 나는 기쁘다

이 이름은 아주 일반적인 이름으로 성경에는 다음 사람이 언급되어 있다.

[1] 마게도냐인, 바울의 동역자 (행19:29).
[2] 고린도인 바울의 식주인(롬16:23), 바울에게 세례를 받은 자 (고전01:14).
[3] 더베인, 바울을 따라 아시아까지 간 사람이다 (행20:4).


Gaius. [Ga'ius] 

1.  Christian of Macedonia, and companion of Paul. He with Aristarchus was seized and carried into the theatre during the uproar at Ephesus. Acts 19:29. 

2.  Convert of Derbe in Lycaonia, and companion of Paul. Acts 20:4. 

3.  Christian at Corinth whom Paul baptised and who was his 'host' and of the whole church. Rom. 16:23; 1 Cor. 1:14. 

4.  Convert of John, whose walk in the truth and in love was commended by the apostle, and to whom he addressed his third Epistle. 3 John 1.

--- Morrish Bible Dictionary


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