1998년12월12일(토요일) 13:34:19
Short Clinton jokes #4  

Bill and Hillary are on a sinking boat. Who gets saved?
The nation.

"Knock knock."
"Who's there?"
"President Bill Clinton"
"President Bill CLinton who?"
"That's right Monica. NOW you can give your testimony."

Why does Monica always drink with a straw?

What is the recipe for clinton stew?
A small weenie in hot water.

Ingredients for new, improved Clinton stew:
One small weenie, one tongue, one cooked goose, lots of spilled beans and hot water.

Why did Bill get into this predicament?
He didn't know that harass was one word.

What's clinton's new presidential anthem?
Kneel to the Chief.

How does Bill rationalize that oral sex is not a sexual relationship?
Because Monica didn't swallow.

Why cant they convict Monica?
She swallowed all the evidence.

What is the name of Hillary Clinton's new White House intern?
Lorena Bobbit

A reporter asked Clinton one day. " Was Monica lying?"
Clinton responded by saying. " No she was on her knees."

Did you hear that Paula Jones was able to positively identify
the distinguishing markings on Bill Clinton's genitals?
She correctly identified them as Gennifer Flowers's lipstick!

Headline in yesterday's paper - " Bush Finally Defeats Clinton ! "

How are bill and Monica alike?
They both claim not to have inhaled.

What is the Secret Service nickname for Bill's penis?
The Titanic...cause so many went down on it.

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