Ujung Kulon National Park : 자연, 1991, Indonesia
- 이 국립공원은 자바의 극서남쪽 끝에 자리잡고 있으며 우중쿨론 반도와 몇몇 연안의 섬들이 포함되어 있고 크라카토아 자연보호지역이 주위를 감싸고 있음  
- 자연경관이 뛰어나고 지리학적 관심(특히 화산섬 연구)이 크며 위험에 처한 동식물종이 서식하고 있음  

This national park, located in the extreme south-western tip of Java on the Sunda shelf, includes the Ujung Kulon peninsula and several offshore islands and encompasses the natural reserve of Krakatoa. In addition to its natural beauty and geological interest – particularly for the study of inland volcanoes – it contains the largest remaining area of lowland rainforests in the Java plain. Several species of endangered plants and animals can be found there, the Javan rhinoceros being the most seriously under threat.

Indonesia-UNESCO World Heritage


역사년표Map BC -AD 1 -600 -1000 -1500 -1800 -1900 -1950 -1980-현재 (1945년이후 10대뉴스)

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