베라트와 지로카스트라의 역사 중심지

Museum-City of Gjirokastra : 문화, 2005, Albania

Historic Centres of Berat and Gjirokastra (문화(iii)(iv) , 2005 (2008 확장))

 (well-preserved southern Albanian towns bearing outstanding testimony to the Ottoman period in the Balkans)

- 드리노스 강 계곡에 있는 이 역사지구는 얼마 안되는, 잘 보존된 터키인들의 마을이다.

The historic town of Gjirokastra, in the Drinos River valley in southern Albania, is a rare example of a well-preserved Ottoman town, built by farmers of large estate. The 13th-century citadel provides the focal point of the town with its typical tower houses (Turkish kule). Characteristic of the Balkan region, Gjirokastra contains a series of outstanding examples of kule, a type of building that crystallized in the 17th century. But Gjirokastra also features some more elaborate examples from the early 19th century. The kule has a tall basement, a first floor for use in the cold season, and a second floor for the warm season. Interiors feature rich decorative details and painted floral patterns, particularly in the zones reserved for the reception of visitors. The town also retains a bazaar, an 18th-century mosque and two churches of the same period.

One extension(2008) was decided by the Committee, which inscribed the Historic Centres of Berat and Gjirokastra. This represents the addition of the city centre of Berat to that of Gjirokastra, which was inscribed in 2005. Berat was inscribed as a rare example of a well-preserved Ottoman town. Located in central Albania, Berat bears witness to the coexistence of various religious and cultural communities down the centuries. A town of 64,000 inhabitants, it features a castle, locally known as the Kala, most of which was built in the 13th century, although its origins date back ot the 4th century BC. The citadel area numbers many Byzantine churches, mainly from the 13th century, several of which contain valuable wall paintings and icons. The town also numbers several mosques built under Ottoman era which started in 1417. Berat also has several houses for religious communities, notably some used by Sufi brotherhoods in the 18th century and well-preserved housing in a distinct style.

Albania-UNESCO World Heritage


역사년표Map BC -AD 1 -600 -1000 -1500 -1800 -1900 -1950 -1980-현재 (1945년이후 10대뉴스)

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