Kq101. Who had the dream?

1. He dreamed of a "stairway to heaven" while fleeing to his uncle Laban in Syria. [Hint]

(a) Abraham
(b) Moses
(c) Jacob
(d) Adam

2. The LORD revealed to him in a dream that Sarah was actually Abraham's wife, not his sister. [Hint]

(a) Abimelech
(b) Balaak
(c) Balaam
(d) Nebuchadnezzar

3. He dreamed that his brothers would one day bow before him in obedience. The jealous brothers then sold him away as a slave in Egypt. [Hint]

(a) Levi
(b) Joseph
(c) Judah
(d) Moses

4. The LORD warned him in a dream not to harm his nephew Jacob. [Hint]

(a) Haran
(b) Lot
(c) Laban
(d) Gomer

5. They were servants of the Pharaoh who had separate dreams while in prison. Joseph correctly revealed to them the meaning of the prophecies. [Hint]

(a) The army commander and the Prime Minister
(b) The high priest and the army commander
(c) The butler and the chariots supervisor
(d) The butler and the baker

6. The King of Babylon who had prophetic dreams, the meanings of which the LORD revealed to him through the prophet Daniel. [Hint]

(a) Shalmaneser
(b) Nebuchadnezzar
(c) Cyrus
(d) Belshazzar

7. The LORD warned him of a coming great famine. Joseph was given to reveal the meaning of the dream to him. [Hint]

(a) Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon
(b) Cyrus of Persia
(c) Alexander of Greece
(d) The Pharaoh of Egypt

8. The LORD appeared to him in a dream and told him that He would give him anything that he asked for. He asked for wisdom. [Hint]

(a) Rehoboam
(b) Jeroboam
(c) Ahab
(d) Solomon

9. He was warned in a dream to take the infant Messiah and flee to Egypt. [Hint]

(a) Caiaphas
(b) Joseph
(c) Herod
(d) Peter

10. She had a dream on the night that the Messiah was arrested. She warned her husband to let the Messiah go because He was innocent of any wrongdoing. [Hint]

(a) Mary of Magdala
(b) Joanna
(c) The wife of Pontius Pilate
(d) Bernice

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Dictionary - Chapter, OT구약, NT신약,

성경연대표 1.창조 2.족장 3.출애굽 4.광야 5.정복 6.사사 7.통일왕국 8.분열왕국 9.포로 10.포로귀환 11.중간 12.예수 13.초대교회 14.세계선교