

EBS (English Bible Story, 영어성경이야기)출애굽시대 › 02Exo0701 [LLM0304] The Plagues - Let My People Go!

jesus | 2019.01.19 11:36:31 | 본문 건너뛰기 쓰기
02Exo0701 [LLM0304] The Plagues - Let My People Go!  

God Sends The Plagues 
Exodus 7-11
개역한글성경 출07: , 08: , 09: , 10: , 11:

Water turned to Blood

Now was the time when the Israelites would be delivered from the land of Egypt.  God promised that  the people would be brought out of Egypt by great judgments.   And so Moses and Aaron went to Pharaoh in the power of God and Moses told Pharaoh "The LORD God has sent me to you saying 'Let my people go' and  the waters of Egypt, the streams, the rivers, the ponds and pools, were turned to blood, and the fish died and the people could not drink, but Pharaoh would not let the people go.

Plague of Frogs

And next the LORD sent frogs which were everywhere, and covered the land, and Pharaoh called for Moses to ask the LORD to remove the frogs, but when they were gone, Pharaoh hardened his heart and would not let the people go.

Plague of Flies

Then the LORD told Moses to stretch out the rod and the dust of the land was turned into lice and the lice were in men, and in the animals, but Pharaoh's heart was hardened.  Next the LORD told Moses to tell Pharaoh that if he did not let the people go, there would be swarms of flies everywhere.  But where the Israelites lived, God would not send the flies, so that everyone would know that the LORD was in control.  And so the flies were everywhere, and Pharaoh told Moses the people could sacrifice to the LORD in the wilderness, but when the LORD removed the flies, Pharaoh hardened his heart, and would not let the people go.

Plague of Animal Illness

Next the LORD struck all the animals that belonged to the Egyptians with an illness, and they died, but the animals of the Israelites did not die.  But Pharaoh hardened his heart, and would not let the people go.

Plague of Hail mixed with Fire

Then the LORD sent boils, (those are sores) upon men throughout Egypt, but still Pharaoh would not let the people go, and then the LORD sent hail, and fire mixed with the hail, very terrible, and it stuck the land of Egypt, but where the Israelites were, there was no hail. And now Pharaoh told Moses that he had sinned, but when the hail stopped, he hardened his heart and would not let the people go.

Plague of Locusts

And then the LORD sent locusts, those are like big grasshoppers.  and they ate everything which was untouched by the hail, and they were everywhere, and so again Pharaoh told Moses that he had sinned against the LORD, but when the LORD took away the locusts, Pharaoh would still not let the people go.

And then the LORD sent a very thick darkness over the land of Egypt for three days, a darkness so dark that it could be felt, there was no sunlight, or moonlight, or starlight, but only a very thick darkness, but all the people of Israel had light.  And so Pharaoh told Moses that the people could go, but they had to leave their flocks behind.  But when Moses told him that they needed their flocks, Pharaoh hardened his heart again and would not let the people go.

And so now the LORD would bring one more plague, and this one he knew would make Pharaoh let the people of Israel go... and this will be the next story.

Memory Verse: Exodus 7:5 "And the Egyptians shall know that I am the LORD when I stretch forth my hand upon Egypt."

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English Bible Story Category, Jesus Story 183, 한글성경이야기 - OT, NT, 1.창조 (Adam, Eve, Cain, Abel, Enoch, Noah) 2.족장 (아브라함, 이삭, 야곱, 요셉, ), 3.출애굽 (Moses) 4.광야 (Balaam) 5.정복 (Joshua) 6.사사 (Samson, Ruth, Samuel) 7.통일왕국 8.분열왕국 9.포로 10.포로귀환 11.중간 12.예수 (사생애, 공생애1년, 공생애2년, 공생애3년, 부활.승천, 기적, 우화), 13.초대교회 (사도들, 바울회심, 1차선교, 2차선교, 3차선교, 로마행), ,

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