

World Poem - 한시와 외국시海外詩歌 › Don Juan 08-096 ~ 100

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Don Juan 08-096 ~ 100

Don Juan 08-096
Canto the Eighth
Just at this instant, while their eyes were fix'd
     Upon each other, with dilated glance,
In Juan's look, pain, pleasure, hope, fear, mix'd
     With joy to save, and dread of some mischance
Unto his protegee; while hers, transfix'd
     With infant terrors, glared as from a trance,
A pure, transparent, pale, yet radiant face,
Like to a lighted alabaster vase; --


Don Juan 08-097
Canto the Eighth
Up came John Johnson (I will not say "Jack,"
     For that were vulgar, cold, and commonplace
On great occasions, such as an attack
     On cities, as hath been the present case):
Up Johnson came, with hundreds at his back,
     Exclaiming; -- "Juan! Juan! On, boy! brace
Your arm, and I'll bet Moscow to a dollar
That you and I will win St. George's collar.


Don Juan 08-098
Canto the Eighth
"The Seraskier is knock'd upon the head,
     But the stone bastion still remains, wherein
The old Pacha sits among some hundreds dead,
     Smoking his pipe quite calmly 'midst the din
Of our artillery and his own: 't is said
     Our kill'd, already piled up to the chin,
Lie round the battery; but still it batters,
And grape in volleys, like a vineyard, scatters.


Don Juan 08-099
Canto the Eighth
"Then up with me!" -- But Juan answer'd, "Look
     Upon this child -- I saved her -- must not leave
Her life to chance; but point me out some nook
     Of safety, where she less may shrink and grieve,
And I am with you." -- Whereon Johnson took
     A glance around -- and shrugg'd -- and twitch'd his sleeve
And black silk neckcloth -- and replied, "You're right;
Poor thing! what's to be done? I'm puzzled quite."


Don Juan 08-100
Canto the Eighth
Said Juan: "Whatsoever is to be
     Done, I'll not quit her till she seems secure
Of present life a good deal more than we."
     Quoth Johnson: "Neither will I quite ensure;
But at the least you may die gloriously."
     Juan replied: "At least I will endure
Whate'er is to be borne -- but not resign
This child, who is parentless, and therefore mine."

George Gordon Byron, Lord Byron (1788-1824) 


Cyber Poems, Korean Poets, Foreign Poets, George Gordon Byron, PoemsTheme, Top300Poem, Top200Sijo, Poem Study Category, 방先生評譯, 노태맹評譯,

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