▶ 살을 베다 Cuttings in the Flesh.

This practice was forbidden in the law, as also was making any mark in the flesh. It was customary among the heathen, who cut themselves for the dead and tattooed their bodies in honour of their gods: the Israelites belonged to Jehovah. Lev. 19:28; Lev. 21:5.

(레19:28 죽은 자를 위하여 너희는 살을 베지 말며 몸에 무늬를 놓지 말라 나는 여호와니라

(레21:5 제사장들은 머리털을 깎아 대머리 같게 하지 말며 그 수염 양편을 깎지 말며 살을 베지 말고

--- Morrish Bible Dictionary

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